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Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Picnic For Congress

Congress members and their families won't get a picnic on the White House lawn this year. First it was postponed. Now it's been canceled altogether. The White House called off the annual bash in the midst of debate over U.S. involvement in the conflict in Syria. Instead, the White House Office of Legislative Affairs has offered a consolation prize of sorts. It says lawmakers can bring their families to the White House holiday ball later this year. The picnic has been the rare event that gives all lawmakers the chance to hob-nob with the president.


  1. Nyaa, nyaa, nyaa.. That's what happens when you won't play the game under Ob's rules. His rules or no game. Sound familiar??? About 6 - 9 years old, I would say.

  2. There's a sequester going on. They should cancel all that stuff except for entertaining visiting dignitaries anyway.


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