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Saturday, September 07, 2013

New Fertilizer Regulations Will Be Phased In

Maryland agriculture officials say new fertilizer regulations may be phased in over the next year, instead of being implemented all at once in the fall.

According to state officials, the department had previously asked that the regulations aimed at cutting pollution in the Chesapeake Bay receive emergency status so that they would be implemented for the fall planting season.

However, after farmers raised concerns, the Maryland Department of Agriculture announced Thursday that the revised regulations, called the phosphorus management tool, would be phased in through October 2014.



  1. The gestapo just keeps on imposing more rules on us taxpaying citizens.

  2. You haven't seen anything yet! Wait until you see what's in store for fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide applications....one is ...if you employ a person to apply fertilizer, herbicide or pesticide that doesn't have a license not only will the company or person applying the product be fined but the homeowner will be fined as well! Ouch! 500 for each application to the homeowner and 1000 to the unlicensed applicator.......You just cannot make this stuff up folks! Welcome to Maryland!


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