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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Muir Boda Announces County Council Campaign

I am taking this moment to officially announce my Candidacy for Wicomico County Council At-Large.

I love Wicomico County and I am proud to say we are one of the 100 Best Communities in the Country in which to live. We have so much to offer people who are looking for a great place to live, work, worship, learn and play. My purpose and my goal in running for County Council is to ensure that we remain one of the 100 Best Communities and there are several key issues we need to address to keep that status.

I am putting forth the Wicomico Initiative, a five point plan to take our County and Region to the next level. These five issues are key to addressing many of the problems which threaten our way of life and I am committed to working with all municipalities, Law Enforcement, the business community, our educational system, civic groups and those elected with me to County offices to strategically implement this initiative.

The five key issues we need to focus on are Reducing Crime, Education, Economic Development, Defending the Revenue Cap and Protecting Property Rights. Though there are more issues that will need to be addressed throughout this campaign, these issues are key in setting the foundation on which I stand and will remain standing on many issues.

I certainly understand that I alone cannot implement policy direction and legislation. It will take the Council as a whole in cooperation with the County Executive and all public servants in Wicomico County and its municipalities to do what is right for Wicomico County. It requires us to put aside political differences and egos, for that is the greatest hindrance to progress.

Join me and send a message on Election Day to our leaders to stand with us in protecting our way of life. If you would like more information on my campaign please visit our website at boda4council.us.

Muir Boda
At-Large Candidate for Wicomico County Council


  1. one would hope that salisbury could attract some new blood

  2. Really? We have to do this again?

  3. Libtards need not apply.

  4. Who's gonna run for Stevie's seat?

    She was better than her liberal co-workers...until she caved on the tax increase.....

  5. Muir Boda please go away. No one will elect you. Just sticl to Walmart security.

  6. You at least have to admire Boda for giving it yet another try to win an elected seat. He's been shot down more times than a man at a lesbian bar.

  7. why don't you speak the truth your pro O'Malley pro Obama anti 2nd amendment Pro tax increase .

  8. Which districts are without an incumbent? I know of Prettyman, and she was district 2. Not sure of the others.

  9. Here we "Muir" again. First he wanted a seat on City Council, ran and lost that. Did he run for Mayor? or was that city council again? Then when he couldn't get 400 votes to get elected, he shot for CONGRESS and complained when Andy Harris wouldn't debate him. So now its County Council. He wants to fight crime, I thought him and his buddy Ireton said it was down? He wants to fight for Property Rights....who's? Walmart's? My grandpa told me, if a man isn't successful in life, never elect him to public office

  10. Boda - Wicomico's version of Harold Stassen. No, Thanks.

  11. boda's too liberal for me. may be a wolf in sheep's clothing. just sayin'.

  12. DEFEND THE REVENUE CAP? That is why we are where we are.

  13. I called this back when Stevie announced she wasn't running. He's friends with that fat oinker blobber, he'd never get my vote for that reason alone!

  14. Boda is uptight bud with Johathan Taylor enough said.

  15. Sounds like you've got this one in the bag, Muir!

  16. Muir,

    You're a Gary Comegys wanna be. We can do without you and need more people who will put the citizens first. I miss Debbie Campbell.

  17. I remember when Muir was viciously bashing and attacking Debbie Campbell. Is this truly the desperate person you want vote for.

    If you remember correctly he was set up to run against Debbie Campbell by Jim Ireton.

    If you remember correctly he is buddies with the fat blogger.

    If you remember correctly he tried to run for city council twice, Congress and now the County Council.

    Do you really want to vote for a person who has no clue what political office he really wants to run for!

  18. Dear Muir Boda,

    You were not wanted as our city council member twice. You were not wanted as our Congressman and now we don't want you as our county council member. What does it take for you to get the clue?

    Concerned Voter.

  19. What is Mr. Boda's political affiliation?

  20. Anonymous said...
    What is Mr. Boda's political affiliation?

    September 22, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    Mr. Boda just switched party affiliation on paper because he thinks he is going to win this time. Mr. Boda is a Libertarian who just switched affiliation to the Republican Party. Notice there is nothing in his literature that mentions he is a Republican. The Republicans need to boot him out the door next time he shows up for a meeting because he is just using them.

  21. If Manure Boda switched parties at the last minute to gain some votes then I would say he is a fraud. That is just wrong and if the Republican Party accepts this then shame on them. Who ever runs against him should expose this fraud.

  22. Mr. Boda I know you read this blog so will you please inform the voters why you switched from Libertarian to Republican. We deserve an honest answer from you.

  23. Gail Bartkovich is also stepping down. Wicomico is losing it's best conservative advocates. Matt Holloway is a huge disappointment. Sheree Sample-Hughes is a disgrace and now wants to be a disgrace in Annapolis.


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