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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Military Strike Would Likely Bring Spike At Gas Pumps

A U.S. military strike against the Syrian regime could lead to an immediate spike in the price of gasoline.

One analyst would expect a sudden increase at the pumps of 10 cents to 15 cents a gallon, according to oil industry expert Greg Laskowski of marylandgasprices.com.

Prices could conceivably move back down quickly if the US strike is over quickly and remains limited, Laskowski said. 



  1. Anticipate the worst and hope for the best.

  2. White people are screwedSeptember 3, 2013 at 8:23 PM

    Obama's plan..he hates the USA

  3. if someone farts in the wrong direction over in the middle east, our gas prices increase.

  4. Big oil companies keep on bending you over. Can anyone name one Syrian oil company? How many months has this already been going on?

  5. is there anything that wouldn't bring an increase?


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