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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Maryland State Police In A Jam For The Next Seven Years

If your considering joining the Maryland State Police, get very used to their current salaries because Governor O'Malley has frozen them for the next seven years. 

Not only that, in Salisbury many Officers are driving around in vehicles with 250,000 + miles on them and there's no relief in sight for new vehicles since O'Malley refuses to be proactive.

Pretty soon we'll be seeing the MSP riding around on bicycles, if O'Malley has his way. One Adam Twelve, Calling All Bicycles For Backup.


  1. MD has too many police or at least too many organizations. I just traveled up the Coast sitting now in Maine. It's amazing how few police I saw yet this is not a lawlessness area. Thin the ranks and consolidate all the police organizations and maybe MD's public safety would not look like the bloated Post Office.

  2. like every good liberal pissing money away on the entitlements instead of where it's needed. you get what you wrote for.

  3. Ask a Trooper to risk his or her life when dealing with criminals is something they knew when they signed up, but to ask them to do so in a vehicle well beyond it's serviceable life, is without excuse and almost as bad as sending them out with a gun that may not work, a bullet resistant vest that is out of date and any other critical piece of their equipment. Then your going to tell them for the next seven (7) years you are going to do it without any increase in pay, C.O.L.A. or anything else will result in poor morale, retention issues and further stress on an already stressful career. I can't see for the life of me why anyone would support a Man with this total lack of commitment to such a vital part of our states workforce.

  4. Where is he spending the money for their salaries? Oh yeah on trips to set up his run for president.

    This guy needs to fade away with Obama in some remote country

    1. TO MSP. ..if they slow down in pay SLOW. DOWN on writing tickets ..

  5. This is BS the next gov will overturn it....oMalley ur a POS....

    Paul A

  6. Thin out. Obama's Reparations.....ie ...foodstamps

  7. MSP pay has been in the pits for years. O'Malley needs to go and we need a Governor that has more respect for law enforcement. O'Malley only cares about Baltimore City PD - after all, that is where Marcus Brown came from - part of O'Malley's Irish Mafia - LOL.

    As far as O'Malley for President - now that is truly funny. Doesn't have a chance.

  8. Cut their salaries in half! Use speed cameras to protect our children.

  9. MSP are nothing but glorified Traffic agents who Love writing people summons, Screw them.


  11. Speed Cameras don't need pay raises. And work 24/7.

  12. Stop take home car policy and mileage won't be so high and fuel will be saved for salaries.

  13. mileage would be lower on their cars if the officer resided in the county he works in! We have MSP officers living in Wicomico driving to Prince Georges county every day. I know one living in Snow Hill driving to Annapolis every day. Require them to reside in the county they cover and the mileage would be greatly reduced. Also cut the fleet down and do away with take home ability make them drive their own cars to work like the rest of the working class.

    1. Hard to do that because a trooper can be placed in any county and any time without notice because their jurisdiction is state wide can't expect some one to uproot their entire life ever couple of months because that's he/her new assignment

  14. Bye bye DROP program.

  15. We are going to a military state anyway , so who needs state police.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Stop take home car policy and mileage won't be so high and fuel will be saved for salaries.

    September 28, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    And response times will be even longer.

    We have so much police coverage now with all the little cities, towns, state and county Barney Fife's, yet this area is a smaller version of B-more.

    Go back to two cops in a car. More foot patrol.

    On a sidenote, will someone please run over a cop that runs out on the highway to stop speeders.

    I cannot believe this unsafe method is condoned. They create more hazards and cause close calls to write a lousy ticket.

    If they keep this up it's just a matter of time before someone gets killed.

  17. First of all let's look at a few things. First the take home car is considered part of their pay. Second while the salaries may be frozen the promotion lists will continue and with the promotion comes the raise. The civilian employees will be the ones who get the shaft just like they have for many years. The average troop with overtime and security side work can easily make over 70k a year and that's not a bad deal. Troopers do an outstanding job considering the crap they have to deal with. Remember they are just doing a job like the rest us.

  18. Remember they are just doing a job like the rest us.

    September 28, 2013 at 10:39 PM

    Calling it your job don't make it right hoss.

  19. 10:39 is correct, the take home policy is part of their pay. Requiring them to live in the county they work would require them to constantly be moving. To consolidate the police forces it would require several changes that the people don't want to do. First if you did away with city and county police you would have to increase state police coverage. Then we would be subject to the whims of the state on coverage. Then each municipality would have to repeal any laws that don't apply to the entire state. There is no way a state force could possibly know the differences in each town. If you go the other way and eliminate the state police and only have local forces there is no continuity between counties. If people believes that the state police only write tickets have no clue what they are talking about. When people make statements like that they loose all credibility.

  20. 10:38 AM

    Mispelling words makes one lose credibility also. Spouting conjecture as fact while stating others do not know what they are talking about doesn't do much for your cause either.

    Assumming people think all the police do is write tickets is yet another mistake and shows what you think of people.

    We do take police suggestions into account, but that's all they are, suggestions.

    Most of you seem to forget it is WE that tell YOU what to do, and when and how to do it.

    WE pay YOU, you do not pay us. Get it?

  21. The way I see it,the police are more essential than lets say all the enviromental workers on the taxpayer dole.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The way I see it,the police are more essential than lets say all the enviromental workers on the taxpayer dole.

    September 29, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    That may be true. They are both on the taxpayer dole, and I don't particularly like the EPA myself, along with a few other agencies and those that are redundant. But that's still not saying much for the police

  23. chip you are such a freaking illiterate idiot, f the MSP when was the last time you saw one actually going into the inner city ghettos and arresting a criminal? The only arrests they make are along rt 50 when they happen to stumble on some fool who has a warrant out for their arrest. Some great police work there! NOT!

  24. As a non MSP officer I have to disagree with all of you. I have seen them make arrest all over this county. All over this state. They deserve better pay. The need to retain the troopers they have that have 5 to 10 years on. It is a problem all over the country. Why would anyone want a job that most do not have the heart or integrity to work. Then listen to bleeding heart liberals and cop haters run off from the comfort of a cell or the couch.

    All the men and women working for any department right now has to ask themselves why. The truth is you wont able able to. You do it because you are called to do it. Dont let cowards who smile in your face then spit on the ground the minute you walk away deter you from fighting the evil that we all know exists.

    Keep your head and watch your six it is not going to get any better out there. Ohbama is going to make sure of that.

    When I hear and see these nay sayers I just smile I know who we are. I have kicked bigger ass to get up to a fight. I have pursued killers and rapist. They watch it on t.v. eating ice cream bad mouthing law and order. lol Till you walk a mile in my shoes shut your pansy ass pie hole.

  25. 7:21.... Really? You sound like a total Moron.... Certainty not a respected member of law enforcement... Msp is one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the country..... And you with that attitude would never make it as a trooper, I don't even believe your in law enforcement. You obviously know nothing about Msp....They outclass you on every level. It's the civilian employees in the Msp that don't get the steps they should. If your going to comment about a troopers pay then learn how it actually works....

  26. 7:21 PM

    wow you da man

  27. I cannot argue against the statements that our civilian employees (mechanics, dispatchers, secretaries) are being severely underpaid for the support work that they do; however, in a 17 year career, I have lost my annual step increase 7 times, and went backwards 2.5% once.

    Those 7 missed (frozen) steps cost my family over $17,000 per year. Since my pension is based upon my base pay, my pension will be affected by roughly $1000/month for the rest of my life. Multiply that by the number of troopers who have worked and/or retired over the past 20 years, and you can see that Maryland is saving hundreds of millions of dollars on the backs of their dedicated employees! All the while our liberal-ass gov't pisses cash away on needle exchange programs, swamp purchases in the name of "wetlands conservation" and a broken Baltimore City school system, to name a few!

    If you consider that Maryland has the highest average household income and the highest average housing costs in the Nation, and is in the three highest taxed states - we should be hemorrhaging cash! But alas, we are always crying poverty. How are your liberal votes serving you now, Marylanders?

    Lastly, if you compare the starting salaries of MSP troopers as a percentage of the average housing costs, and average household incomes - and do the same for the other 49 states with State Police/Highway Patrols (Hawaii has neither) based on salary to cost ratios - Maryland troopers are the worst paid state police in the United States. Makes it hard to remain competitive in attracting the best candidates, doesn't it?

  28. My personal opinion on the matter, speaking from neither personal Maryland state police experience or otherwise, I have lived in Maryland my entire life, and regardless of current condition of the state, I will always say that Maryland is the best state in the United States of America. I currently serve in the armed forces, and I know from personal experience that no matter what your job is, someone will always be there to tell you that it is wrong, regardless of intention or actual impact. As for the people in this forum who have plenty to say about how the Maryland troopers are inefficient, it is easy to complain about something, but if you actually want to change something, act. I plan on joining the Maryland state police upon completion of my military service, not based upon pay, job security, advancement opportunities, etc. But because of my personal experiences with the MSP and how professional and courteous they are. Throughout my life on the eastern shore of Maryland, the majority of my peers, associates, and neighbors have respected the MSP. Even if claims are correct about changes in the MSPs demeanor (no evidence to support the information) I will be joining to bring my personal brand of integrity, service, and hard work to the state of Maryland. The constitution will not go unread, and will be upheld while I, If, I am able to wear the badge.
    Good day gentlemen


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