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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Maryland Could Lose $5 Million A Day In Tax Revenue From Federal Shutdown, Memo Says

Furloughs of federal workers during a government shutdown could cost Maryland $5 million a day in income and sales tax collections and hinder the state’s economic recovery, according to a memo circulating in the office of Gov. Martin O’Malley (D).

Federal employment is a key component of Maryland’s economy, with annual wages totaling about $25 billion, according to the memo, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post. It was prepared by O’Malley’s budget advisers in preparation of a congressional budget stalemate continuing into next week.



  1. Thanks you libtarded idiot thief..wife used to get cordizone shots last year...now as part of the new health plan she has to attend 6 weeks of physical therphy 3days a week at 20$ a shot before they will give her a shot...so hows that cheaper you crook..you dont deserve another dime to spend on your socialist plans..in fact i want half my 6000 in taxes back..

  2. don't say I haven't told you so get out now while you can....omallly has tied this state to a sinking ship of a marxist model doomed to failure...he likes a nanny to wipe his arse i dont ....yep tied to the sinking ship the Obama administration

  3. Good! Experience is the best teacher. If MD weren't so business unfriendly it wouldn't have this dependence on government jobs.

  4. Oh my Maryland. How stupid can the people be?

  5. Have no sympathy for the whining governor...it is not Washington's fault that the Maryland cronies chose to spend or give away all the money BEFORE they get it. Prepare for future "might happen" and you won't go in a panic over a DC shut down.

  6. The mere fact that O'Malley, or his advisors, even talk about a state economic recovery tells me that these people are delusional.., completely unfit for public service.

  7. Pure Communist propaganda for the masses of PG, Montgomery and Baltimore County thugs that voted these Marxists Obama and O'Malley into office...

  8. They shut down if they can't come to an agreement? WTF no wonder we look weak to these other nations! What an embarrassment, students run the schools, welfare ruining society, officials with greed and a nation has no forethought!

  9. Shutdown politicans and save plenty of money.

  10. This freak needs to grow the hell up. Big boys and girls know to save money for future situations such as this. Though what can anyone expect from this freak who if not for sucking off the government teat his whole life wouldn't have made it. He's shameful-he is not a success story. It's easy to spend others money and that's all he has ever done.

  11. We all know what happened to the boy who kept crying wolf...

  12. What's comical is how some of our local politicos swoon over omalley. Have they no honor and dignity? Showing omalley any respect speaks volumes as to their complete lack of integrity and they ought to be ashamed of themselves for stooping so low.


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