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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Lollar Running For Governor

A Charles County businessman and Marine Corps Reserve officer has launched his campaign for Maryland governor.

Charles Lollar, who is seeking the Republican nomination, set off on a statewide bus tour from St. Mary's County on Tuesday to announce his candidacy.

Lollar will make several stops in the Baltimore area on Wednesday and he will wrap up the tour in Annapolis on Friday afternoon.



  1. A wolf in sheeps clothing.

  2. Oh, boy. We are going to get Detroited.

  3. Lollar and George are now the two best conservatives in the race so far.

  4. This is getting old real quick. Why is this person running? Is it because he's black or does he actually intend to change MD politics or even have a plan to allow him to do so?

    Miller runs organized crime in MD and Busch helps keep the house in order.

    Waste of time.....

  5. Charles is a breath of fresh air. His leadership characteristics and traits are straight from the Corps.
    His business success, 23 years of marriage and his ability to articulate his conservative views and planned approach to governing Maryland has garnered my support, which is not easy to obtain. I also backed it up with a contribution to his campaign.
    Semper Fi,
    OOORAAH! Go get Charles!
    Don Coffin MSgt, USMC(Ret)

  6. Anonymous said...
    A wolf in sheeps clothing.

    September 3, 2013 at 7:37 PM

    Must be a democrat posting this.

  7. very smart man be good man for the job

  8. Please. This guy doesn't have a chance. He ran once for another seat and didn't win. He has never ever spent one day as an elected official and now he wants to be our Governor. Don't think it will happen for you, so go get a job.

  9. I want to know where he stands on the Constitution our 2nd Amendment and taxes .

  10. Wow! Talked about uninformed! This guy is a class act! So what! He hasn't ever held an political office.....ha ha ha....look at the bang up job some of these people have done that have. Personally I think you shouldn't make politics your profession

  11. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 4, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    I dont know much about this man, but I know this - he could do MUCH BETTER JOB than RainTaxMan OweMalley and his sidekick Anthony Brown. And I would bet my last TaxPayer Dollar on it. Now question is Does he have chance? Probably not, since there many freeloading liberals and master puppeteers in counties on the other side of the Bay, so his chances are slim.

  12. I voting for anyone who has not had a political office... I want people who understand business, competitive markets, the constitution, and has true conservative values. Mr Lollar is all of this and more. I'm tired of OweMalley, Miller, and Busch, long term insider politicians destroying our state and county. Have you looked at our county statistics lately... businesses closing doors right and left, housing market is not recovering, unemployment is high,... wake up and throw the insider politicians out!

  13. Wow, amazing that folks here have not heard of him. Hey, guys, try Google! What a breath of fresh air Charles would be! He's negative omally on steroids!


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