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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Klan Plans Rally At Antietam National Battlefield

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) -- A Maryland Ku Klux Klan group says it plans to hold a rally this weekend at the Antietam National Battlefield near Sharpsburg.

Richard Preston of Rosedale is imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights. Preston said Tuesday he expects to bring nine members to the Civil War site Saturday.

Battlefield officials didn't immediately return calls from The Associated Press. But Washington County Sheriff Douglas Mullendore says park officials have asked his agency to stand by with a transport vehicle in case of any arrests.



  1. OMG... I guess I am really standing out in the woods. I didn't know groups like this were still around. Tell me how any extremist group is any different that terrorists? What purpose does hatred serve in this world. My heart is heavy.


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