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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kenya Mall Attack: Death Toll Rises To 68

Sixty-eight dead. At least 175 injured. About 30 hostages still inside, as well as perhaps a dozen gunmen.

Those are the grim numbers, more than a day after Islamist attackers stormed an upscale Nairobi mall on Saturday, spraying bullets and holding shoppers captive.

The tense standoff continued into Sunday night, with sporadic gunfire heard through the day and at least one explosion.

Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta told reporters Sunday afternoon the Kenyan people had showed resiliency as a nation and would triumph against the attackers.



  1. This is Obama's homeland. This is where his family of Muslims are.

  2. The religion of peace strikes again!

  3. Send troops in.Police the world!

  4. Obama will send weapons there to protect the Muslims from the Muslims. Or, perhaps he will go there to check on his family. He will not send in missiles because they might strike the house he was born in.

  5. I would like to see the picture of the Kenyan sign that says Kenya is the home of Barack Obama.

  6. Stay the He77 out! They are not attacking us and are not asking for intervention. It is none of our business, like Somalia.
    Yes, it sucks, I feel for these folks, and wish them well. But supplying arms to one side or another would be wrong, as well as any financial help.

    But, we all know what will happen, either behind the doors or not...

  7. coming. To AMERICA.

  8. What difference does it make?
    All we need now is to find out what happened.


  9. It's just a matter of time when they start blowing up America. 3 of the muslims in that attack are confirmed from America.

    Wake up you dumb @$$ idiots who voted for the Muslim from Kenya.

  10. Was it their Black Friday?

  11. Coming to a Mall near you....

  12. Lost ones and loved ones in my prayers.

  13. When they come over here, we'll take care of the threat because our military won't be exhausted of resources bombing the crap out of other countries that never asked for it.

    Oh, wait...

  14. But the wealthy make most of their money by funding both sides of a war! They have to make the sides even so the war will stretch out to keep the military industrial complex worker bees busy, and profits up.

  15. 934, did you forget all about 9/11?

  16. But Obama told us this terrorist organization was on the run - How can this be happening.

  17. Anonymous said...
    934, did you forget all about 9/11?

    September 23, 2013 at 8:28 AM

    No sir, that was 12 years ago.

    I am talking about them blowing up malls and other high density places. I am talking about them doing it all over this country.

  18. Ronald Tilghman said...
    But Obama told us this terrorist organization was on the run - How can this be happening.

    September 23, 2013 at 9:52 AM

    You keep telling a lie and the naïve will believe you.

    That was his distraction so he can support his muslim cause.

    This country is full of idiot Kool Aid drinkers. They drool over the muslim from Kenya.

  19. 1251, you don't get too much more high density than NYC. I guess your assertion that its somehow Obama's fault does make sense if you suspend belief and forget all about domestic terror attacks of the past.

  20. Just another day in Detroit. No big deal.


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