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Sunday, September 08, 2013

John Kerry Revealed



  2. As I recall, we were all against the Vietnam war and protested it. It was a crappy police action that took our brothers' lives that went on far too long.

  3. Obama has done a good job surrounding himself with radicals, communists, extremists and now total disgraces to our country...everything is there to see what kind of person Obama really is--the media would talk about it, and the Republicans were too "nice" to bring out out in the open, so now here our country is, on the brink of being a socialist nation.

  4. Anonymous said...
    As I recall, we were all against the Vietnam war and protested it. It was a crappy police action that took our brothers' lives that went on far too long.

    September 2, 2013 at 6:46 AM

    You say that as though you condone the actions of Hanoi Jane, Kerry and now Obama.

    By the way you should never say "we were all against" it. That is a false statement.

  5. Very few people who are alive today have lived through a meaningful war.WW2 revealed that war was big business friendly,but that war had to happen.This is inexcusable.At last count,85% of America was against a Syrian strike.Don't we matter any more?

  6. 3 purple hearts without any injuries. Go figure.

  7. 6:46, NO; we All weren't against the Viet Nam war; just you and your ilk. at that time is was mostly druggies, pot heads and free love nitwits. it was those who would never fight for our country even if it was a just war and we were truly fighting for our lives. government offered a conscientious objector status and many people used this, but most were the ones described above.

    I think those of us who were true patriots served (we had the draft back then) and many of our friends and neighbors were wounded in different degrees and some died and gave the ultimate sacrifice.

    it wasn't until we were in the war for a period of time that we realized the government didn't intend for us to win this war. some didn't realize this until many years after the war.

    the most disgusting part of that entire era were the idiots I spoke of at the beginning of this comment and the news media. yes; the ignorant news media who continually put our troops in a negative, horrible light and caused many citizens to hate them when they returned from the battlefields. they followed the orders of their commander in chief and came home to be spit on and shunned. SHAME on all who did this.

    lastly Fonda, Kerry and others who did what they did are traitors. it's as simple as that. they will never be respected because there is NOTHING to respect.

  8. Scum then; scum now. Both of them.

  9. This picture simply proves that the illuminati are alive and well and Kerry a member of skull and bones society aka illuminati US branch has been strategically placed throughout the years

  10. To 10:12, and 11:56, Yes, you are correct. Our fearless leaders took us to war, and there were many who jumped in and volunteered to fight, knowing that their fathers had served in WW2 for good reason and had no clue that this would be any different. Later on, though, the draft was needed because we needed more troops than were volunteering, mostly because a lot of us were asking just WTF were we there to accomplish, and when would we reach the "win". I was only in the lottery 2 of the what, 12 years that BS went on and at that time of my life I was aware of an endless unwinnable war and several of the kids from my neighborhood that I would never see again.

    I do honor and appreciate your service to this country in those times, and know you fought 100% with all your heart and patriotism in your efforts. You are older than I was and went boldly into battle.

    I'm just sayin', from a 59 year old, my time of realization came when it was plainly obvious that we, as the U.S., were just killing soldiers and not accomplishing a goal. I just met a man who has just last year acquired symptoms of Agent Orange. He all of a sudden can't walk or move very much, and is wheelchair bound. I HATE this happening to my brothers and neighbors today, just like I did in 1969. He's about my age, and was exposed to it in Vietnam.

    I have heard the story of Hanoi Jane, and understand there are many who were offended by the photo that was taken. I also look at this photo with John Kerry and read that they are talking to Vietnam Veterans. Now, If the "Hanoi Jane" incident were so bad to all, wouldn't I be looking at two people with egg on their face along with a little feces?

    I'll step out with this. Thank you for your service, but please, let today's kids know that joining up today is tantamount to volunteering to be Obama's overseas terrorist. I mean, just look at what he wants to do to Syria, and look at the polls that our countrymen are 85% against the action. War has changed since WW2, and I don't like it.

    Do you?

    6:46 AM

  11. Obama is a Communist as his father, his other father, his grandfather and every mentor he ever had. So, why wouldn't you expect him to hire Communists or sympathizers?
    No story here unless Americans are willing to stand up and fight to kill communism in America.

  12. 5:46, I agree with you about my grandchildren. I was almost ashamed to advise them; no, actually I urged them not to serve under Obama. I simply don't trust him. his goal for America is to destroy from within. most people don't understand this. look at every decision he's made and the results. nothing but destruction in every area of our lives and every segment of business.

    we remain patriots. we were taught the original history of this great nation, not the revisionist version taught in todays government/public schools. too many of our younger citizens don't truly know and therefore don't understand where and how we began.

    I am 11:56

  13. two peas in a pod.

  14. Seriously though,was she hot or what? I went to see "Barbarella" in the late 60's and wasn't right for a week.Politics aside,Jane was an outstanding looking woman.


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