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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Joe Lhota On Bill de Blasio’s Strategy: ‘Directly Out Of The Marxist Playbook’

Well, that escalated quickly.

The general election reached a new heated phase this morning as Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota charged that Democrat Bill de Blasio’s “tale of two cities” message was “directly out of the Marxist playbook.”

Mr. Lhota had already criticized Mr. de Balsio yesterday following a New York Times report that described Mr. de Blasio’s past support for revolutionary Nicaraguan politics, as well as his desire for a “democratic socialism” vision for society–which Mr. Lhota called “unfortunate.”

But Mr. Lhota doubled down today in far harsher words–calling on Mr. de Blasio to “explain himself” and equating Mr. de Blasio’s views with communism.

“Bill de Blasio needs to explain himself — and explain himself now — to the hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who escaped Marxist tyranny in Asia, Central America, and from behind the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe,” he said in a statement.


  1. Looks like Joseph McCarthy was correct.

  2. Exactly 9:59 mccarthy was right we have been infiltrated by Marxist and communists they are everwhere in our government its so obvious considering the course we're currently heading


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