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Saturday, September 07, 2013

Islamic Fundamentalists Benefit From Obama's Foreign Policy

President Obama’s foreign policy decisions in Egypt, Libya and his current desire to start a war in Syria, continue to further the interests of Islamic fundamentalists.

Syria, Libya and Egypt were three of the very few remaining secular governments in the Mideast, prior to US interventions. Due to consequences flowing from Obama’s actions, all three will soon be governed by totalitarian Islamic fundamentalists.



  1. Wasn't this his intended result from the beginning?? I thought it was...

  2. Please remember what you've been told time and time again. Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He has been since his college days. That info is in his college records, however they are sealed. He boasted about having a totally transparent administration and then hides his college transcripts. Obama is a pathological liar.

  3. Beggin' your pardon but, WTF did you expect? When an uneducated group of liberals votes this caliber of person into the White House you've got to expect this sort of deceit and subversion. Just look at what he's been able to accomplish here in America, for crying out loud.


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