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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Iranian President Brushes Away Obama’s Olive Branch At U.N.

UNITED NATIONS — President Obama used his annual address to the United Nations on Tuesday to say he sees an opening for diplomacy with Iran and would pursue a deal to stop the Islamic republic’s pursuit of nuclear weapons — but his words were soon overshadowed by the handshake that wasn’t.

New Iranian President Hasan Rouhani rejected a White House invitation for a brief meeting with Mr. Obama, an American olive branch designed to move the two countries beyond their adversarial positions and toward peace. The administration later claimed that Iranian officials thought it was “too complicated” to be seen meeting with the U.S. and that the conversation, no matter how short, would have posed political problems back home for Mr. Rouhani.


  1. so for the last few days the MSM has been all hot and bothered about whether or not obama should shake hands with this guy and after all of that he blew off obama i believe that in the words of mochelle i could not be prouder of our nation

  2. Too funny! I thought the middle east and muslims were going to start respecting the US if Obama got elected. That's what he said. He said he understands the culture so they will gain a new respect for the US. Seems the reality is they are shoving it up his butt left and right and it's funny. They see him for what he is-something dragged in from the ghetto. Too bad he fooled so many Americans.

  3. I get more and more respect for Iranians!

  4. Our Muslim president is such a weak incompetent puppet of the new world order that even the real followers of Allah don't trust him.

  5. eh, I'm not so sure the media's expectations weren't higher than the administration's. At least Pres. Rouhani doesn't come across as a nut job like Ahmadinejad.

  6. I saw articles a couple of days ago that stated Obama denied a meeting with him before UN. I'm confused now, or this is just more White House spin

  7. He knows the USA is in decline and is not far from being absolutely a non-factor in international politics. Why would he give any credence to obama? China and Russia are laughing at our ineptitude and weakness.


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