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Thursday, September 26, 2013

iPhone Case Doubles As Powerful Stun Gun

To say the Yellow Jacket iPhone case is stunning is an understatement.

The hard-plastic protective case contains a 650,000-volt stun gun that can knock an assailant to his knees within seconds.

Seth Froom invented the device after being the victim of an armed robbery in 2011. It sells for $139.

To deliver a shock, the phone's electrode must come in contact with a person's body.



  1. Would make a good BAMA-phone as long as it activates when put up to your ear.

  2. What a country we live in! We kill each other for sneakers and phones. Does anyone else see the insanity of this issue? Just TRY to convince anyone in this country that "Less is best" and you will get ridiculed beyond belief. You are what you drive? Insane. Give me your friendship... I don't care what you drive or what shoes you wear. A friend is about to lose their house because they overspent for years (saw it coming) and now life is not worth living? So that means that life was really worth nothing more than that house or the phone or the shoes. How sad!

  3. Unfortunately, criminals will probably take advantage of this and stun people and rob them...but then again, if their "victim" can pull out their guns...oh-never mind--Maryland has become a mini-socialist state and they don't want us to defend ourselves...

  4. This would make a good first date phone."Hey look at my new phone.Put your hand right here".

  5. Will be going to college with my daughter.

  6. great idea. I was just considering purchasing a stun gun anyway...

  7. Too bad it doesn't charge your phone, too!

  8. If the bad guy is close enough for you to touch with this, they are too close to begin with. Thats why I wont carry a knife either. Its simple physics that a grown man can typically over power a female (blah blah equality blah blah) so if they are close enough to use this on, they can also grab you, over power you, and use it against you. Give me a hand gun any day- trust me, you wont get close enough to wrestle it away from me.

  9. 9:16-Even if she goes to Oxford?


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