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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gettysburg National Park Grants KKK Event Permit

The Ku Klux Klan has been granted a permit to hold an event at Gettysburg National Military Park.

Park officials say the special-use permit was approved for a Maryland-based KKK group to exercise its First Amendment rights on Oct. 5. The afternoon event will be held on the lawn area north of Gen. George Meade's Headquarters.

Officials say the park has a responsibility to make that land available for citizens to exercise their right to freedom of speech, even if the views expressed are contrary to those of most Americans.



  1. Well, idiots have the first amendment right too. It's just that they will only draw a crowd like the "million muslim march" idiots had... what was it, 13 people?

  2. I think this is great. If black people can use the N word and the black panthers are around and the Naacp and have not been denounced by obama they have a right to voice their opinions.

  3. Gerald, retired Detroit copSeptember 27, 2013 at 6:34 PM

    I'll be there with bells on ! and my robe.

  4. I can't say that I am a full fledged member of the KKK, but the ladies say I am a wizard under the sheets.

  5. I have no problem with the KKK doing any rally anywhere. The followed the rules and got the permits. Unlike he Muslims, Al Sharpton and that clown from the Nation of Islam(NOI).

  6. KKK ..Black Panthers.... Liberals....all evil idealogies..rooted in hate..I say let them open their mouths ..they lie deceive and hate and shovel dirt on their own graves......the good thing is i believe in the constitution but i have enough sense to make the distinction as to how God wants us to treat our fellow man

  7. I am for the KKK! I will take them over the Black Panthers and Obama any day.

  8. Better the devil you know. Lets see how many show up.


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