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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gennifer Flowers Speaks Out

EXCLUSIVE: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they'd be together now if it wasn't for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual

The revelation of their affair in 1992 defined Bill Clinton's Presidential campaign. Gennifer Flowers, 63, claims it lasted 12 years.


  1. Lol now thats a pisser.

  2. ahhh, bill clinton. the nation's first TRUE black president.

  3. just one of the many dingbats who have given slick willie a slick willie.

  4. What a waste of oxygen! She's basically told the whole nation that she was a whore for twelve years and actually seems proud of that status.

  5. That's why Hillary wears those pant suits. You can't tell if it is a he or she in them.

  6. A woman would really have to be hard up to have an affair with Hillary.

  7. Now I'm really confused. Which Clinton did she have an affair with?

  8. It doesn't matter who Hillary had an affair with in the past. In the future, she wants to screw EVERYBODY. Hard to argue with that unless you are at the end of the line.

  9. Hillary is a typical hateful woman who doesn't try to hide her feelings.

  10. What difference does it make????

  11. Now the Clinton's will be even bigger heroes to their idiot admirers.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Now the Clinton's will be even bigger heroes to their idiot admirers.

    September 22, 2013 at 11:07 AM

    And it just pisses you obammy apologists off doesn' it

  13. And because the Republicans went after Clinton through impeachment proceedings, came up with egg on their faces, they are now afraid to file against the treasonous Kenyan freeloading at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


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