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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Gannett Going Down

Estimated Layoffs, other job cuts is now near 400; newspaper cost-cutting campaign biggest since '11

In a much-anticipated move, The News Journal in Wilmington, Del., whacked 28 jobs yesterday -- one of the single biggest totals in the current round of newspaper layoffs and other job cuts underway for nearly a month now, according to Gannett Blog reader estimates.

"Watching the texts and Facebook messages coming in about Wilmington . . . was like watching the Lusitania take on water," wrote Anonymous@4:59 p.m. "Horrible."

Interim Publisher Ellen Leifeld was considerably less emotional in her statement to the paper for a story today: "These changes will help us better align our resources with our transformation as a media company, and strengthen our long-term strategies."

She also said: "Our focus needs to be on providing strong local news coverage -- including serious investigative reporting -- and effective solutions for our advertisers." She did not explain how that would be done with six fewer newsroom employees.

With other job cuts at papers in Binghamton, N.Y., and Cherry Hill, N.J., the U.S. community newspaper division has now eliminated an estimated 399 jobs through layoffs and eliminating open positions across at least 59 worksites. So far, USA Today hasn't been affected.


  1. Sad, so many losing jobs. All newspaper publishers have been laying off, not just Gannett. AP is laying off too, according to an article I read yesterday. Just a sign of the times concerning changing needs of the public.

  2. The job loses are sad but this so called media outlet made it's own bed with their slanted stories and obvious liberal favoritism.
    The blame lies directly on them. It's a little too late to now attempt changes which I don't see happening as they are still up to their crap with the local weekend story on Colburn.
    Another dumb move was changing to Facebook comments. If people are that insecure that they feel compelled to know who is saying what about them, then they need mental help.

  3. Tom Claybaugh strikes again.

  4. It's called the internet, no big surprise really. Why read tomorrow what happened last night?

  5. I haven't bought a paper copy of the DT in years. AFter that stupid hi piece on Colburne, why would I ever again?

  6. with every lost job in this country it is just one more nail in our coffin. Don't gloat.

  7. Maybe Pat Peterson and Rick Pollitt can include the DT in next years budget and let the taxpayers of Wicomico County prop them up.

  8. If you cut your own throat, well, you just might bleed to death.

    Keep cut and paste liberal agenda propaganda, and never do any independent thinking reporting, and the ship will finally bubble under. Nobody wants to be fed lies and bu11crap.

  9. And, 12:19, Gannett is on the internet as well. They charge money for agenda slanted lies and bu11crap, and their competition does otherwise.

    One of the two is winning the readers!

  10. When they do publish a local story in the DT's I wish they would at least get the facts correct.
    Story up today about legal fees/Hudson/Perdue lawsuit. The article claims the fed court ruled the defendants did not pollute the waterways. This is 100% untrue. The court ruled there wasn't enough evidence presented by the plaintiff to find in their favor.

    This inadequacy falls directly on whomever the editor is and shows incompetence on their part.

    This has been one of the DT's major difficulties. The stories they publish aren't always factual.


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