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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Florida Police Brutality: Woman’s Face Smashed Into Pavement During Arrest

I am appalled, disgusted, and outraged with the arrogance, corruption, and nonchalant attitude that is running so rampant across our nation by so called “police officers.” While the police are paid by citizens to protect us and keep the peace, more and more “officers” have become the abusive criminals we pay them to protect us from.

Politicians, Judges, and Police Departments all across the nation are involved with covering up “criminal actions” of “police officers.” They cover up in many different ways. Whether by being complicit with criminal actions of officers by not filing criminal charges, or by simply dropping charges against the “victim” hoping that these violations of human rights will disappear into the night never to see the light of day. Sometimes “officials” will place criminal officers on paid leave during an investigation to calm down the public “which amounts to paid vacation” for the out of control criminals with a badge. Paid leave “vacation” rewards “officers” for their criminal behavior instead of punishing them for their crimes and putting them in jail where they belong.



  1. This woman was a drunk driver involved in a car accident. When approached by police she threw her hands up Violently cussing and screaming. Cops have no idea wanna talk to Katie person can do even a tiny little woman. On top of that she could kill somebody being a drunk on the road she deserves what she got. And hope she gets even more. I have no sympathy for any drunk or impaired drivers on the road. Hell better those cops catch the woman Then me. I'll pull a drunk out of a car in a heartbeat and beat them. How dare somebody rest of my life for my children and families life. There's no time to call police when it comes to drunk drivers citizens need to act immediately.

    1. sounds like a cop lover to me . I just hope it happens to your wife for family members . you know maybe doing 60 in a 55 are making a turn without the signal .

    2. It has happened to me. You inconsiderate squirt. I lost my baby sister to a drunk driver. was almost killed myself. my mom lost her arm and my dads quite not right in his head anymore after the impact my whole family destroyed because one person decided to have drinks and go drive. I am no cop lover you can trust that. this is about drunk driving people who are taking people's lives at risk its like Russian roulette but other people don't even know theyre playing. And you hope it happens to me it already has buddy. I just now I hope it never happens to anybody ever again. I wouldn't even wish it to you or your family with your ignorant attitude.

  2. If a cop does this to me or my family they will die never to do it again. I don't care what the circumstance.
    They do not deserve the badge.

  3. If she was a drunk driving.. she deserved it......straight like that!

  4. You do not want the cops to hurt you, do what they say. The best thing is don't drive drunk but once caught, shut up and do what they say. You pull away, refuse to do what you are instructed and kick the police, you get what you get. I have no sympathy if the cops are rough on a person if they want to fight.

  5. Here's an idea... Don't put yourself in a situation where you may be arrested!?

    Halfwit people nowadays. Sure, I broke the law, sure I resisted, but they shouldn't hurt me. An hero yourself.

  6. watch the video carefully before passing judgement. She was handcuffed, and managed to slip out of the cuffs then resisted when they try to put the cuffs back on. They put her against the car to recuff her, and one cop yells about her trying to grab him. Then you can see her feet trying to mule kick them between the legs.....then they slam her to the ground. While being pinned to the ground you can still see her feet trying to kick the arresting officers.
    Her offense?? She drove a car into a house while there were 3 juveniles in the car with her and she was drunk.
    And now you know the rest of the story. Good day!

  7. 10:55 don't know where you get your info but you are definitely a cop or a cop sympathizer. fact is the woman was already handcuffed and put in the back of the patrol car. When a more senior officer arrived to show a rookie how to handcuff a suspect and interrogate her. He then had her removed from the patrol car and her handcuffs where also removed. At that point in time she started asking about contacting her husband and family. The Nazi posing as a cop told her to shut up and when she didn't they proceeded to beat the living shit out of her! real tough guy! If it would have been my wife, well lets just say I would make sure they suffered a lot more! don't worry though I am sure these cops will be back on the street tomorrow terrorizing other dangerous women and children!

  8. 12:30 is correct, for those of you commenting that she deserved it did you even watch the whole video??

  9. They should have given her a seat belt ticket also, looks like she hit the steering wheel in the wreck.

  10. 12:30 and 12:57... She was DRINKING and DRIVING.. if she would have killed your wife then what????? The cops shoulda beat the brakes off her dumb @$$!

  11. She wasn't that good looking to start with.

  12. Real police officers should not behave like street thugs. They have no right to bash a woman's face in even if she was drunk. Do your job and don't be on a power trip!

  13. Guess she thought she was bossing her boyfriend/husband around.

  14. If that was a black person it would be a different ball game, Rodney King.... Jessie Jackson and Al would be there for them.

  15. Your day is coming cop heros.

  16. After watching the video, she was compliant with every request and did everything she was told to do. The city will be sued, and she will win big time.

    Nice job, LEO's!


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