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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

County Police Getting New Sidearms

Baltimore County police are replacing their current sidearms with new ones.

The contract calls for nearly 2,000 FNH, 40-caliber handguns at a cost of almost a million dollars. The price tag for 1,920 guns is $977,000 according to police.

The current guns are well over a decade old.

Elise Armacost, with the county police department, said the plan is to keep the old guns out of the wrong hands by selling the old ones to law enforcement and security agencies.



  1. but the average citizen will not be able to buy this firearm as the magazine capacity os over 10

    if its good enough to the people, its good enough for the government

  2. Do they have Orange around the end of the barrel?

  3. That is OUR money that is paying for new guns for these brainless thugs. the only people that cops "protect and serve" are tyrannical politicians.


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