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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Cops Nab Robbery Suspect After He Trips On His Own Sagging Jeans

BROOKLYN - An alleged cellphone bandit was apprehended after being tripped up by his sagging jeans. 21-year-old Joel Donaldson allegedly punched a female in the face, snatched her cell phone and then made a break for it. It was during his getaway that Donaldson's jeans began slipping off exposing more and more of his boxer shorts. A nearby traffic cop spotted the man wrestling with his denim trousers and took chase.

The suspect's pants eventually gave up on him and fell to his ankles, allowing the cop to tackle him. A witness gave a first hand account: "He was zigzagging all over the place, but he couldn't run because his pants were falling down."

Donaldson was arrested just two blocks from Brooklyn Criminal Court. He was charged with robbery.



  1. Gee, another disenfranchised black suspect. Guess Jesse, Rev. Al and the rest of the African American posse will be clamoring for his release because it was racial profiling(only black gangsters were their pants around the knees). Where is the president, I sure this perp could have been him 25 years ago.

  2. Oh No, here we go again - racial profiling! Where is Sharpton and Jackson, we need Justice for Joel Donaldson now. He might be one of those - If I had a Son he Would Looklike a ? Wait a minute, didn't we hear that before?

  3. A similiar incident happened right here in town several years back. A "lovely young man" stole a donation can/jar from a store on E. Main St. He was arrested when he fell down because he tripped on his falling down jeans. Gotta love it.

  4. If these wannbe thugs only knew what the meaning of those falling down pants meant, maybe they would buy the right size--or use a belt!

  5. If Obozo had a son he would look like him. I hope they keep the style, makes it easier for the PO-leece to get them off the street.


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