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Friday, September 27, 2013

“Choose Your Ride”

Delaware State Police News Room
“Through the continued partnership of the Delaware State Police and The Delaware Office of Highway Safety, we continue to combat and raise awareness of the deadly consequences of drunk driving,” said Sergeant Paul G. Shavack, Director of Public Information for the Delaware State Police. “We hope that this hybrid police cruiser-cab sends a simple but powerful message and serves as a great visual reminder to “Choose Your Ride” before getting behind the wheel intoxicated.”

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  1. So if I end up in the back of this vehicle they will just take me where I want to go as long as I pay the fare right? Isn't that what a taxi does? lol

    1. 12:32 I heard they are going to have trivia once in a while. Like Cash Cab. I'm not sure what the prize will be though.

  2. So does the cop speak English?

  3. My question; If I'm toasted, can I call the police and pay a fare to get home safe? They do this in the Florida Keys on some islands and in some Michigan cities. Just asking...

  4. I'd like to know who the dumb a** genius was who came up with this ridiculous waste of money. DSP has really brought themselves to a level below the most small town police depts. How embarrassing!

  5. I'll bet the cops LOVE going through all the training and effort to get their job and THEN being made to look like taxi drivers. Just enforce the law without tricks, gimmicks, or Nazi strong arm "Vere ah yor pay-pa's!" "checkpoints". What's next? Mean looking face masks to REALLY scare DUI drivers?? If you are SERIOUS about drunk drivers (and not just revenue enhancement), then yank licenses for a year for first offense and minimum 6 months in the jailhouse for EVERYONE (money buys your way out of jail for the wealthy and connected). But THAT would put the revenue stream in a tail spin, so THAT ain't happening. Because, you know, its all about our, uh ....safety. Riiiiight.

  6. Um, am I the only one who thinks this picture is photo-shopped?

  7. 10:34
    Click where it says Delaware State Police News Room. It will take you to their facebook page. The picture is legit.

  8. Thanks for the tip. I still think it's dumber than hell.


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