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Saturday, September 07, 2013

Brutality Of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma In West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

“For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, we need to support and go to war for rebels who shoot their war prisoners in the back of their head. Hey, That Geneva Convention thing? It's so OLD, man! So is our Constitution! Nothing that we need to support Al- Quaida and the like!

    I can't see what all the fuss is about!

    Sheesh, people! Attacking Syria will just fire up the natives making mayhem over there, killing Israel (who cares?) and other "Middle east warmongers". Crap, let's just give every country over there a cruise missile just to make everything even! We really don't care who we bomb anymore, as long as it's over there and feeds our war machines. After all, if we're not fighting somewhere, we'll have to lay off more tank makers and fighter builders!

    Let's just shoot somebody; ANYBODY, to make work.

    Screw the ramifications, our Prez will be skipping out in less than 3 years, so he don't care!


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