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Sunday, September 22, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Small Plane Crashes At Salisbury Airport

Station One, Two and Station 16 from Salisbury and Station Six from Parsonsburg have been dispatched. Report of one patient. More to come...


  1. It May not happen often. But this is why we have paid firefighters in Salisbury. paid guys have time to train. The volunteers do not. Volunteers have to work to substain their families. you guys think the paid guys do nothing when they're at work you are absolutely wrong they train and train in train just for instances like this. dealing with a situation like this can be something that is extremely difficult. something that takes constant training for. I don't care how or which way you want to word it there is no way possible that I volunteer can train and have the knowledge that a professional paid firefighter has

  2. Every fire station will send several trucks.

  3. There is plenty talk at the site, the plane was hit by a drone.

  4. I call BS on the first post. Volunteer fire departments train and handle plane crashes as well as train derailments and hazmat situations. Google Senator Heinz plane crash 1991. Volunteer fire department district.

    1. From first poster......you are correct. All fire depts have trained for any and all circumstances. However the point has been missed.a professional has more ptime to train.volleys well most hold jobs and don't have enough time to train as well as the professionals. there is no if ands or buts about it a professional firefighter is always will be better and well-trained volunteer Point Blank made

  5. Volunteer firehouses are great as long as the firemen don't take it as their own private Good Ole Boys club. look at the way the EMT's fly up & down the road when they're just visiting a neighboring firehouse.

  6. I have seen drones flying out of SBY airport. Thought I was seeing things at first.

  7. awwww had to be very scarey.

  8. To the first commenter: you must be a career firefighter and by career I mean paid. You are certainly not professional. I know plenty of volunteers that are also paid and are far more professional than you judging by these comments. Further I know volunteers that have more knowledge than some of the career staff in departments on the Eastern Shore. You fail to recognize the every organization has top performers and those that struggle to stay employed. Makes me wonder what else you struggle with on the job.

    1. Nope I'm a volley. And I know damn well after 25 yrs what the deal is.yet your correct to an extent.there is a lot of good volleys that know their stuff. And yes some volleys are paid as well.juat an extra bonus for the volley house they're with. And guarantee this :if a member is also paid id bet my life that person is an officer or has been in the past.and is probly one of the biggest assests to the volley org they're in.and like you just said .....a paid person as a volley as well.bet the majority of training came from his paid job wich guess what.....that person lnow has the knowledge to share his education with his fellow volleys in drills. The things paid guys learn while sitting around as y'all say.....get passed to the volleys who get to drill n learn from them.Hell 90% of mfri instructors are professionals. Here is a question for you......how many volleys over forty yrs old attend mfri for new classes or refreshers? Less than 10%. The grim truth is after a certain age makes pollysquid attending classes they think and feel that they know it all. and most Follies don't have to deal with situations that Salisbury has two in this area. there's no way to any of you guys can justify it my point is made everybody knows the truth. just like in a military a regular shoulder compared to a National Guard soldier even know they had the same training is still better prepared better fit and ready to fight compared to the resetvist unit. why do you think they call the seals instead of the National Guard? Same difference.

  9. No drones involved. Just ran off th runway and hit an instrument box.

  10. 10:09 PM
    Oh My! Was it a woman pilot? Sure Sounds like what one would do.

  11. The thing wasn't much more than a motor scooter with wings, the pilot was 76 years old, fling solo?

  12. The thing wasn't much more than a motor scooter with wings, the pilot was 76 years old, fling solo?

    September 22, 2013 at 8:33 AM

    What's wrong with a 76 yr old man flying not fling solo? That man has more knowledge and flight hours than, so called professional/airline pilots! He has logged more flying hours than all of US Scareway Pilot together flying out of Salisbury. Read the article, he got caught in a crosswind...he did not crash. Something to think about...An aircraft landing is nothing more than a controlled crash!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Nope I'm a volley. And I know damn well after 25 yrs what the deal is.yet your correct to an extent.there is a lot of good volleys that know their stuff. And yes some volleys are paid as well.juat an extra bonus for the volley house they're with. And guarantee this :if a member is also paid id bet my life that person is an officer or has been in the past.and is probly one of the biggest assests to the volley org they're in.and like you just said .....a paid person as a volley as well.bet the majority of training came from his paid job wich guess what.....that person lnow has the knowledge to share his education with his fellow volleys in drills. The things paid guys learn while sitting around as y'all say.....get passed to the volleys who get to drill n learn from them.Hell 90% of mfri instructors are professionals. Here is a question for you......how many volleys over forty yrs old attend mfri for new classes or refreshers? Less than 10%. The grim truth is after a certain age makes pollysquid attending classes they think and feel that they know it all. and most Follies don't have to deal with situations that Salisbury has two in this area. there's no way to any of you guys can justify it my point is made everybody knows the truth. just like in a military a regular shoulder compared to a National Guard soldier even know they had the same training is still better prepared better fit and ready to fight compared to the resetvist unit. why do you think they call the seals instead of the National Guard? Same difference.

    September 21, 2013 at 10:06 PM

    You are not a vollie.. you are an uneducated paid guy that is full of himself. No true vollie would classify himself as being lower trained and educated than a paid man. My guess is you are a paid fireman in Salisbury and a Tick somewhere else.

    1. Nope.I'm a volley. With station 9.and no paid guys on our rooster except paramedics that work for other depts.keep trying. It's a shame all you wanna do is argue the point I'm a paid guy. Your not only laughable but pathetic. Get a life and quit hating on the paid guys.truth is I wish I could have a paid position somewhere. And so do you.

  14. The pilot's name is Kenny Lennox of Fruitland, Maryland. He has more hours flying than Carter has liver pills. He has more than one aircraft to.

    I understand that he landed and as he was rolling out - then a gust of wind blew the plane off the runway. He then ran into a few of the runway lights located adjacent to the runway. He was not injured. So I would classify this as a fender bender.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Nope.I'm a volley. With station 9.and no paid guys on our rooster except paramedics that work for other depts.keep trying. It's a shame all you wanna do is argue the point I'm a paid guy. Your not only laughable but pathetic. Get a life and quit hating on the paid guys.truth is I wish I could have a paid position somewhere. And so do you.

    September 22, 2013 at 2:40 PM

    Rooster?? LMAO

    You are one pathetic imitation for a fireman. No wonder you can't get a job as a paid fireman you to illiterate to reed and rite. LMAO

    We still think you are a paid farmin in Salburry.

  16. The SBY Airport drone strikes again.

  17. 1:45 PM
    So was that air craft a "lighter then air craft"?


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