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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Breaking News: House Speaker John Boehner Says He Supports President Obama's Call For Military Action In Syria

 Speaker Boehner on Syria: 'I'm going to support the president's call for action'

More: Speaker Boehner says US allies need to know US will stand up when necessary

Democratic House Leader Pelosi says use of chemical weapons in Syria cannot be ignored, says US must respond

Rep. Pelosi on Syria: 'I don't think the congressional authorization is necessary, but I do think it's a good thing'  


  1. Wouldn't it be nice to know who exactly used the chemical weapons first?

  2. Time to get rid of that F*n RINO.

  3. Unbelievable!! War-mongers at their best.

  4. Wonder what they threatened HIM with?

  5. McCain must be watching porn again.

  6. I guess the check cleared.

  7. Time to vote All RINO's out. It's funny where are all the Bush haters now.

  8. Almost everyone I talk with, even at the VFW think we should stay out of this one. They are trying to (save face) for Obama's "draw the red line" statement. If you remember, Obama apologized to the Muslim world for US actions in the past. And dingbat Pelosi does not know the Constitution. Hell, she doesn't read the bills she votes to pass. Simple explanation. If another Country attacks the USA the President does have authority strike back. If another Country has not attacked the USA, the President must have approval of Congress.

  9. Well now another one to get no votes come election time.

  10. But isn't the US just jumping onboard with the UN? It's just a question, please don't start jumping down my throat?

  11. ITS ALL ABOUT POLITICIANS MAKING THE MIGHTY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  12. Damn traitor.11:59 is right.They've definitely threatened him with something.

  13. Wonder how much stock Boehner owns in Halliburton.

  14. Anonymous said...
    But isn't the US just jumping onboard with the UN? It's just a question, please don't start jumping down my throat?

    September 3, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    You obviously haven't been paying attention. You deserve someone to jump down your throat.

  15. 12:43 The UN investigators on the chemical usage has not reported back yet. The UN has not voted to attack Syria. You must be a Democrat to make that stupid statement.

  16. all RINOs need to be retired...

  17. Republican = Democrat = Christian = Muslim = Hetero = Homo = ETC

    You're all the same, just with different accounts of who's right.

    GET OVER YOURSELF, and keep your morals IN HOME. It doesn't affect you, live your life. Maybe then, we'll all make it out alive.

  18. Lets bomb Sudan, Egypt, Pakistan, and all the Muslim countries that are killing Christians and Jews and basically anybody that's not them, now I could support that. If killing evil Arabs killing evil Muslims is so justified why not go for it! But I know as a country being led by our poor pathetic excuse of a president we will wage a McWar and look like the ultimate politically correct losers. We are fricking doomed. When we are attacked by Iran, Russia, North Korea and China as a result, the people will finally wake up to how gullible they are, but it will be too late.

  19. If any of those countries really could attack us. They would have already.


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