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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Breaking News Hidden From The Sheeple : Syria False Flag Caught On Leaked Video! Video Shows FSA Rebels Launch Chemical Attacks In Syria!



  1. These were the WMD's that Bush was looking for. The WMD's that Saddam Hussein sent to Syria to hide. The same WMD's that the Democrat's helped hide to discredit GW.

  2. A look at the truth. Were next

  3. This is NOT the most recent attack.
    It happened very early morning. In the dark. This is a different crime against humanity by Muslims.

    1. You do realize these are the same Muslims that were funding. Also known as the muslin brotherhood .

    2. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 29, 2013 at 10:48 AM

      This could of been fired as "practice round" in daylight. This is a work of Muslim Rebels who are Sick Evil Twisted Bastards with no regard for human life. And they are hiding under the "umbrella" of Muslim Brotherhood the same people Obama' & Kerry sent millions of dollars of Taxpayers money!? Theiy intentended to blame this on Assad Governent. How would Assad benefit from this kind of massacre?The answer is - He wouldn't. But D.C. Comrades Barry and John already getting ready to drop bombs on Syria. And for what? What is that going to accomplish? So while the innocent people are dying, the real monsters are laughing in their hideouts. Besides each Tomahawk missile cost about $500.000 dollars. After the dust settles, comrades will be sending more money to Crooked Muslim Brotherhood, after all, Barry·s brother needs another few millions for a "good cause". I didn't hear anything about U.S. bombing Benghazi last year after the Muslims killed Chris Stevens and 4 U.S. Marines and he was U.S AMBASSADOR!!!

  4. any idea why all the air traffic tonight, about 9:15? I heard like 3 waves that sounded like military squadrons.
    (south Salisbury)

  5. 11:19-I did too.They just seemed to linger,almost stationary at times.3 waves was exactly what I heard.Practice maybe?

    1. Google FEMA region 3 and you'll see what is going on with all the air traffic.

  6. Let em kill each other , then bring it here.

  7. OMG!!! I live just outside Fruitland surrounded by a cornfield. Last night we were outside smoking around 11 and we heard the weirdest noise in the corn. It sounded exactly like what the aliens sound like in the movie Signs. lol really tho. It was stationary as well. It never sounded as if it was moving through the corn. We laughed about aliens and all and then headed to bed. About ten minutes later we heard lots of air traffic. I said it was the ufo taking off. lol I don't really think there were aliens in the corn, but something was going on.

  8. Joe, you should post something about FEMA region 3....this raised the hair on my neck!

  9. I just googled the FEMA region 3 and am a lil freaked out. lol. Im gonna pretend that all the food and water is in case of hurricanes in our region. Vaccines for the flu and vehicles for getting to peeps in flooded areas.

  10. 740 YOU laugh, something is going on within the next 2 months.

  11. Oct is the month for WWIII

  12. Anonymous said...
    Oct is the month for WWIII

    August 29, 2013 at 11:12 AM

    I hope you are stocked up on Ammo.

  13. I have to laugh because if I really thought the world as we know it was over in two months I would probably do so much self destructive behavior that if nothing happened, my life would be worse than if it did. Im sure alot of others would as well.

  14. I knew it. Obama either knows this or is even more naive than I thought. Either way, just another reason to impeach this disaster of a president.


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