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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Bill Ayers Turns Against Obama On Syria

NEW YORK – Leftist political activist and University of Chicago professor Bill Ayers has turned on Barack Obama, characterizing the president’s determination to launch a military attack on the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria as a “dumb war.”

In a series of posts on his Internet website over the past few days, Ayers has come out swinging, attacking the presidential candidate he backed in 2004 for trying to justify a U.S. strike on Syria.

In what appears to be satire aimed at mocking President Obama, Ayers posted Sunday, Sept. 8, a diatribe suggesting Assad has already authorized launch missile strikes against the United States.

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  1. The whole thing is an Obama hate crime. Just look around you and you will see this has nothing to do with "Stand your ground."

  2. They are all liars ... don't believe the report.

  3. Ahhhh...Bill Ayres, who calmly discussed having to kill 25 million Americans who won't "go along with the new program" of communism in America...yeah--I am really concerned about what that unrepentant terrorist thinks.

  4. Bill Ayers is a nobody who should have been thrown in jail a long time ago for his actions.

  5. "Leftist political activist"??

    Try Communist agitator.


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