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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Are the Mainstream Media Promoting Hate?

I think I will don a loin cloth, stop bathing, and ascend a moutain where I will gibber, drool, and perhaps cástrate myself and wait to go to Hale-Bopp. This is a patrioitic plan. I don´t want to distance myself too much from my fellow Americans.

Though, on thought, I may welsh on the castration part.

Every morning, as I shamble through the heather of the internet in search of reason (any day now), I find another story of a savage racial attack on whites by blacks. At least, when a black man says, “I´m gonna kill the next white I see,” and does so, I begin to suspect a racial motive. Perhaps this is unfair. Perhaps the gentleman really meant to say, “…find a good book on Keynes and the Austrian school, and compare with Veblen.” I remain suspicious.

Where is this taking us?


1 comment:

  1. Yep. Only an Obama loving idiot would say no.


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