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Monday, September 09, 2013

Another Warmonger Wants Syria Attack

Because “bipartisanship” is the coin of the realm in Washington, D.C., the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama is trotting out former defense secretary Robert M. Gates to help cheerlead for the proposed American military intervention in the Syrian Civil War.

Gates was nominated to his post in 2006 by former president George W. Bush – and kept there by Obama until Leon Panetta was appointed in 2011.

“I strongly urge the Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, to approve the president’s request for authorization to use force in Syria,” Gates said. “Whatever one’s views on current U.S. policy toward Syria, failure by Congress to approve the request would, in my view, have profoundly negative and dangerous consequences for the United States not just in the Middle East but around the world both now and in the future.”



  1. It has been said that yesterday Obama took a 45 minute walk on Whitehouse grounds for a discussion with his chief of staff.

    A reminder of the investigation on John Gotti, when Gotti knew his phone and property were wired for sound, he took walks with Sammy the bull so that the wires couldn't pick up their conversation, unless Sammy was himself wearing a wire.

    Obama was discussing something he didn't want anyone else to know.

  2. It's too late for that.While we may not know word for word we know exactly what he's doing.The rest of the world knows this Syrian thing is HIS agenda and his alone(well almost)and their focus is now on him instead of the US in general.


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