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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Another PRMC Letter To The Editor

There was also a meeting yesterday where loads of PRMC employees were in attandance and they were giving out PRMC marketing materials. How can they do this if they are broke???

ESMGMA Fall Conference Set
The ESMGMA Fall Conference has been set for October 23, 2013. This year, the event will be held at The Black Diamond Lodge in Fruitland, MD. To better accommodate the large number of speakers and attendees, we will use two rooms and double the number of sessions. The conference will also start earlier this year, with registration beginning at 8:30AM and the final session concludcing at 3:30PM. The theme for 2013 will be: The Future of Healthcare.

The ESMGMA Executive Committee is excited to announce that Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Maryland Secretary of Health will be the keynote speaker. Following Dr. Sharfstein will be Dr. Peggy Naleppa, CEO of Peninsula Regional Medical Center.
© 2013 Eastern Shore Medical Group Managers Association
PO Box 4566
Salisbury, MD 21803-4566


  1. What about all of the TV commercials? They can't be cheap. It seems as if the PRMC administration is still denying their plight while still exemplifying the champagne budget lifestyle when they actually have only a water budget. Their televised claims of greatness & self praise is now falling on very many deaf ears. Quite a few folks have now opted to change their PRMC associated doctors for non-emergent procedures and have now started utilizing different area doctors who are associated with Beebe, AGH and Nanticoke Memorial hospitals. When asked why, many respond they have a serious problem with the recent budget reduction methods being utilized by PRMC combined with their long term fiscal planning failures. In addition, their TV ads and their many so called recognitions ring hollow when the reality is actually long ER waits, unprofessional staff conduct and their "never mentioned" high infection rate especially for post operative patients. Big salaries, many non-strategic vice presidents, unprofessional staff conduct, high infection rates, questionable "in house" recognitions and layoffs will never bode well especially in the public confidence arena. PRMC has an extremely serious public relations dilemma that will, although probably denied, effect their future fund raising abilities as well as damaging their public image. A change of administration is just not overdue but is required to establish fiscal responsibility as well as public confidence that every local hospital so desperately needs for survival.

  2. The damage is done. Folks are either being let go or leaving to avoid being let go. The care is suffering on a massive level. The ER is so understaffed that they simply push you in and out as quickly as possible. Not even treating the issue you come in for. It is a sad situation for Salisbury and the surrounding area to lose such a fine establishment in the name of GREED.

  3. Once a "name" is blackened ----most of the time it'll never come
    back to "how it was" Once the faith is destroyed---it's to late.

    Believe me---I am having my surgery , either in Easton or Baltimore! I live 10 minutes from this hospital & there's no way I will ever go back there!!! Not the
    Doctors, mind you---it's the help they have there----most is deplorable!

  4. Got laid off last week... changed my entire family's primary care doctor today to get officially away from prmc and got a job at agh. I can't wait to watch prmc sink with the massive problems :)

  5. Dr Peggy Naleppa what does the Dr stand for ?

  6. You know the worst part? Some clowns will actually go to listen to this dribble.I am sure she will be touting her accomplishments at PRMC- 5 hour waits in the ER, some clinical areas with a less than 50% patient satisfaction rating, a new multi million dollar facility in Bebbe's back yard that does nothing for the residents of Salisbury. As Nero was fiddling......


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