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Thursday, September 19, 2013


Don’t expect to see Christmas lights, Christmas trees, or other Christmas decorations in one part of Berlin, Germany, even on private property, after officials in the Kreuzberg district banned the display of anything that celebrates the Christian holiday – because someone might be offended.

“Why should religious festivals be celebrated in public?” asked Socialist Party Councilor Martin Becker, according to the German news site MMNews.de.

The censorship was supported by the left-wing councilman as a response to demands by Muslims in the district that they be allowed to celebrate the end of Ramadan in the streets. Due to a fear of noise complaints, council officials decided that the best solution was to ban all religious festivals from being publicly celebrated in the district.

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  1. This is also happening here in America. Christians BEWARE.

  2. So I suppose in Germany they do not a Constitution like ours with freedom of speech, and freedom of expression. I will display Christmas in my yard, because it is MY YARD.

  3. They have a point, if you do it for one religion then you have to do it for all. Christians do not own the world.

  4. 647, really? They do not have any point except to stifle freedom. Let Christmas happen! Let the Muslims line the streets on their prayer rugs! Let the Jews celebrate their holidays out in the public parks if they wish! Let the Atheists sit home and celebrate their freedom "from" religion and do nothing! Who cares?

    If this offends anyone, then they will just have to decide to be offended!

  5. You know how waving the confederate flag gets whole groups of people fired up? Well.. Christmas lights do the same thing. People get their noses all out of joint for the least little thing. Big Brother is tired of dealing with the fall out. If I want to put up my lights (for anything) I should be able to do that in this country.. BUT.. I would not be surprised if hostility follows and the cops don't have time and look the other way. It is a SAD world without peace, love and consideration.


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