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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Accuser Testifies At Naval Academy Sex Assault Hearing

WASHINGTON – A midshipman testified Wednesday that she didn't remember being sexually assaulted by three former Navy football players after a night of heavy drinking, but she said one of the men told her she had sex with him and another accused player.

The woman, who is now a senior at the U.S. Naval Academy, testified for more than two hours at the Washington Navy Yard at a hearing to determine whether the three midshipmen will face court-martial. She described a night of drinking in her room at the academy with a friend before going to the toga-themed party in April 2012 at an off-campus house in Annapolis, Md.

At the crowded party, which took place in what was known as "the football house" because of its association to the team, the woman said she felt "overwhelmed" and "dizzy" from drinking too much.

"I felt like I was going to pass out," she said, noting that she leaned against structural beams in the basement to keep from falling over.


1 comment:

  1. Shows you just how much military Officers morels have lowered. Why waste money on a trial? Kick them all out.


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