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Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: PRMC 9-26-13

Those who would have us believe Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s current problems are due to Obamacare are trying to deflect our attention from the real culprits: the current and former PRMC executives who created this mess by continually expanding inpatient capacity while ignoring the changes that were taking place in health care.

Members of the hospital board who allowed themselves to be fooled by fancy Powerpoint presentations must share the blame.

It’s not as though they didn’t have other hospitals which might have served as models. Western Maryland Health Systems in Cumberland, which serves a population similar to ours and operates under the same cost constraints, is thriving because its leaders had the foresight to anticipate the direction health care was moving.

Rather than constructing a grander and grander building at exorbitant cost to the community, Western Maryland has “taken services outside its walls,” according to Eduardo Porter in The New York Times on Aug. 27. In the last three years, it has opened a diabetes clinic, a wound center and a behavioral health center, all at pre-existing remote locations around the area. It also provides in-home follow-up care for older and sicker patients, so there have been fewer re-admissions due to complications.

The result of this forward thinking has been a $15 million profit for the fiscal year which ended in June.

What a contrast to our local hospital. Despite more and more highly paid administrators and planners — CEO, CFO, COO and vice presidents for planning, human resources, facilities management and more — these leaders keep feeding their egos and purses by continually expanding PRMC’s downtown palace. It reminds me of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Now the community must pay. As a former employee of 27 years, it makes me sick.


  1. The powers that be will continue to serve their OWN agendas as long as they can get away with it. This is how the world works. Depressing but true.

  2. I'm not sure Western MD Health Systems an example to use. I know of someone who actually used to work at PRMC and moved to Western MD years ago and works there. They laid off employees approximately a year ago and current staff is still worried that more lay offs are coming.
    Bottom line fact-this is happening to hospitals nationwide and obamacare is the culprit-Period end of story!

    1. BS- another blog from Boss Hogg or one of her henchmen\women.

  3. Damage control "town meeting" at PRMC next week.All invited.

  4. From Becker's Hospital Review/Aug 2012---

    "Cumberland, Md.-based Western Maryland Health System has announced staffing reductions through attrition and layoffs, according to a Cumberland Times-News report.

    WMHS CEO Barry Ronan said the system needs to reduce its spending by at least 10 to 15 percent over the next five years and that "organizational transformation" has begun and will continue throughout the next four fiscal years.

    System spokesperson Kathy Rogers said that while most jobs will be eliminated through attrition, there will be some "involuntary separations," according to the report. The staffing reduction is expected to be implemented Oct. 1.

    The specific number of employees affected by the staffing changes was not included in the report."

  5. You people need to get the heck out of your denial. Stop ignoring the FACT that hospitals are laying off nationwide. It's due to obamacare.
    When are you all going to see the loser for what he is. Everything he touches turns into a disaster.
    He is a consummate failure-the poster boy for why affirmative action is so silly. Why in the heck do you think he's hidden his college transcripts? It's because he's a moron who couldn't make the grades otherwise had he been a superior student he would have broadcast the transcripts all over. You people amaze me how naïve you all are. Either naïve or are refusing to admit he is nothing but a loser!

  6. Joe, they should hire you to run that hospital with all your business experience you would have it shipshape in 3 months.

  7. He's making Jimmy Carter look like a saint!!

  8. Hospital in trouble..now teaching CNA's to do EKG. 15 minute class..I don't want them doing one on me..unlicensed.

    1. Nurses aren't taught to do EKG's,iv,blooddraws in nursing school. Just how to delegate the tasks to the techs and how to run a hospital into the ground.

  9. Now they have little people running around the departments who have no clue as to what the employees do telling them how to do it better and with less employees. less time to do good assessments and testing makes for mistakes and misdiagnosis. As one doctor put it get rid of the ones wearing the high heel shoes and suits and keep the working folks.

  10. So now they are cutting employees spouse insurance if the spouse has another employer. Not a good place to work or be a patient at this time.

  11. I work at PRMC, and I can honestly say I would not want myself, nor any of my loved ones to be treated there. I am trying very hard to find a new job.

  12. How do you spell joke? The hr I mean people department at prmc.

  13. The people department that lays people off such a visionary name change

  14. If you have to go to PRMC ask everyone who touches you what their training is and if they are qualified to be doing what they are about to do and if not please step out and find someone who is trained for more than 15 minutes. That includes everyone but the janitor. Carry on.

  15. As a former patient, even the janitor needs further training. Promised to be cleaning every day made it twice in 8 days.

  16. I am glad to see this is front and center again. An opinion in the DT's today has addressed how inaccurate this is. Correcting among other things how whomever conveniently forgets to mention layoffs at this Western MD system started laying off a year ago.

    There are either 2 reasons for these inaccuracies. One being the writers are grossly uniformed which proves the theory that the electorate is-to put it bluntly nothing but a bunch of dumb arses or they are choosing to represent fallacies on purpose which proves the dishonesty and the lying Obama worshippers will resort to in an attempt to make a point. This lying that's going on is a serious character flaw all democrats seem to have.


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