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Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Letter To The Editor About Salisbury University Students

Joe: The past two weeks there have been throngs of trashy-looking "scholars" wandering the streets near SU looking for any party they can crash. They've vandalized our picket fence, and pulled a neighbor's post-lamp out of the ground, concrete and all. The police last night told me they are being "hammered" by having to chase these brats all over. And the police told me the students' excuse, when told to go inside or go home is "We don't know when we're going to get shot so we're living for the moment".
I said that's ridiculous self-serving bullcrap. They were roving, making noise, littering, destroying and making asses of themselves before the shooting on Onley Road. Now they think they have an excuse. The cops know it's nonsense, and they told me they are just going to keep the pressure on these spoiled little brats until they get tired of being stupid. Could take a while, and for some of them it's hopeless.
Taxicabs have been cruising my neighborhood looking for fares..something I've never seen before..late at night. They expect the drunks to need a ride back to their dorms or dives so they can pass out til their 3 pm classes. Some of these kids are not even 18 yet..but the cops are at their wits' end in SBY from Thursday to wee hours on Sunday.
I think they deserve a big thank you from all of us who care about this sad little city.


  1. These are not the actions of spoiled little brats but more along the lines of an extremely low class upbringing.

  2. And there we go, the locals always looking to blame the University Students. Step down off your high horse and stop exaggerating about what the students are doing. You cant really blame them all that much, its not like theirs anything else to do in this dump of a town and even if there were people like you would clamor for it to be shut down.

    If you don't like college students don't live next to a college, let me guess, your next house will be adjacent to the airport and you will complain about the noise.

  3. The funny part is, most of those kids are from Salisbury.

  4. Lol if you don't like it, move! This is a college town and always will be! These kids aren't doing anything that you and I and everyone else did when we were dumb and young.

  5. Should someone call the waaaaahhhhmmmbulance?

  6. Of course the no good homo pansy mayor and Fake Day and city council don't think there is a problem. They are so busy trying to paint this picture that Salisbury is this great city. With all the photo opps of downtown and the bike routes they have installed. The bike routes for starters are stupid a bike rt from SU to downtown a route that leads to nothing but a few bars and a court house and lawyers office. The college.kids can get drunk and get into trouble and follow that bike path to get locked up at the courthouse lol. These college kids don't have an ounce of respect for property owners. With all these rental homes property values have diminished. If the cops were doing their job making arrest and writing citations and patroling the areas the could curb some of this foolishness with these kids. These slummy landlords should also be held accountable also and should be subject to fines for the actions of these students.Not all the students that attend SU are trouble makers but for the few idiots that party and destroy peoples property they sure do give SU a bad name. The mayor and the city council really need to address this problem. I could have not been more happier moving out of Salisbury. I like so many other property owners got sick of it.

  7. Lets close SU and see where property values go when there are even less jobs, no home buyers, no renters and an abandoned property the city must pay to maintain and secure. Every year at this time it is the same complaints about students returning. if you hate it so much move to the county but no to close to the vol fire dept with that noisy siren that goes off at anytime day/night or the church that rings its bells and has bake sales where everyone parks on the side of the road....

  8. I too think it is funny... Look at bethany beach area, it too is a party town and only people go there to party... Then you have old people who want to move their and then try to change the laws saying it is too busy and noisy and the like...

    Everyone thinks they deserve something and you don't deserve shit... You have to earn it...

    This reminds me of a story of this guy who lived in some other state and wanted to move into delaware and buy some land and a house... HE visited the house and land months if not years in advance and continued to view/visit said land for months to come... They guy knew there was a cow farm or some type of farm that produces a stink and this guy knew of it... So he still bought the land and moved in... after about a year the guy got mad or tired of the stink... So he went to where ever he had to go to get the farm shut down...

    This is the exact crap people have to deal with... How do you visit land you wish to buy several times, know all about it and what's around it, yet still buy it knowing farms are nearby and you get tired of it a year later and so you try to shut down the farm...

    You type of people make me sick, and almost makes me want to wish harm and bad things come your way just for you being so stupid, foolish and think you are deserving of something...

  9. Nails and glass in the yard works tooSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:32 AM

    Get your self a BB GUN so they cannot here...

  10. this is no way exclusive to SU students. we have a gaggle of children that run wild, unsupervised, who have terrorized and vandalized our neighborhood for months. from fences, yards, to cars. we also have a neighbor who has no regard for anyone around them and plays their FOUL mouthed music, loudly, all the time. Sadly we don't feel the police have always been responsive nor do they seem to understand the siege we have been under. Or we simply don't understand the laws.
    My question is, why are their rights more important than mine? Do I not have the right to safety, privacy and the enjoyment of my property without having to hear the F-bomb uttered over and over again. Since when are the words pussy, nigga and the f-bomb, kill the white biXXX and kill the pigs protected as free speech? what happened to any form of decency? why aren't obscenity laws being upheld?
    Sadly this self centered out of control behavior is not solely that of the students. It seems to be a societal issue.
    Since I was brought up to have respect and regard for those around me, I have a difficult time comprehending such behavior.

  11. @10:32, yup lets just condone violence in a town that already has a problem. Also, its hear, not here.

    Actually, go ahead and shoot at them with a bb gun and end up in jail where you belong.

  12. Exactly why I live in the peaceful outskirts. Buyer Beware!

  13. to the writer of this article let me get you a big box of tissues

  14. 10:20 don't forget to remind the good folk not to move by those pesky chicken farms either. Goodness knows they would have to put a stop to the smell of Eastern Shore Money.

  15. Funny, if there wasn't a university in town, people would whine about needing something in town to create jobs. A Salisbury without the Unversity would not be a pretty site. Millions of dollars are pumped into the local economy by viirtue of having it here. It provides a great school where local kids can go and get a good education close to home. I agree that any and all incidents of lawlessness need to be investigated and stopped, but that is a police matter. Getting rid of the university would be cutting off your nose to spite your face. Without the school your property wouldn't be worth what it is now. Who knows what your neighborhood would look like. Get a grip on yourself. Call the police, if that doesn't work, call them again. Get involved, go to City Council meetings and make your concerns heard. Take your concerns to the university's administration. Let them know what is going on. Proceed like an adult and take rational actions that will actually make a change, instead of whining. The students that cause these disturbances are a small portion of the student body and you cannot judge an entire population by the few idiots that cause trouble. Those idiots are present in every group. Including your peer group.

  16. set booby traps in your yard

  17. Can't move out of Salisbury because no one wants to move into this God forsaken city. If you haven't noticed, houses are on the market for years and don't sell for this exact reason. Everyone knows that students move in and that is when all the fun begins. You find items missing from your lawn, eggs on your cars, slashed car tires, bunches of people staggering back and forth on Camden Avenue, strangers walking around in the neighborhood you have never seen before, etc. These people have no reason to worry about OUR neighborhood and have no stake in it because they move back from wherever they came from. I doubt seriously they tear up their hometowns because they have a stake in that area. We need to take matters into our own hands and be out looking for the troublemakers. Stop staying in your homes at night hiding and get out and look in your front yard and your neighbor's yards for the type of behavior that is happening. If you are vigilant then they will stop the stupidity they are doing. We need to take back our neighborhoods from these punks if it is only one house at a time. I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!

  18. 1234-My house used to be the "party" house at the Zoo. Every weekend we'd have thousands of kids over for our keggers. Fact is, the vast majority of those attending were locals. The majority of the crimes committed, drugs sold, and vandalism are from the kids born/raised around here. I'm glad I left the Shore. Every time I come back for a fishing or hunting trip, I see the same folks, a decade older, doing the same things. It's sad, but funny at the same time. Quit blaming those you can't name, the root of the problem is the local youth.

  19. glad i moved out of the lower shore all together! it's a depressing area both financially and socially

  20. I think the residents of this town do have the right to complain. The school needs to hold their students accountable for their actions and promote good relations between the residents and students. At Wesley we were held to a standard. We were told from the gate to respect the town of Dover or be punished like a regular resident by the police.

  21. High voltage electric fences are not that expensive, and when the drunk kid pees on it, well, problem solved!

  22. Hey you people who moved out of Salisbury, congratulations !
    And now tell us why you have a need to read Joe's blog regarding this horrible place? To feel better about your current one?
    If you are out of here and proud of it, stay where you are and read what's going on in your perfect area.

  23. In summation of what has been written, and blame, blame blame...
    Folks, as Americans hitting the bottom of the slippery-slope, we are only "reaping what we have sown"...Plain and simple.


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