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Sunday, September 01, 2013

A Letter From Fred: This Man's Love for His Wife May Move You


  1. I have a father in law that this man reminds me of. He is 85 yrs, my best friend, and his wife also his age. The most honest, caring, and helpful person, I have ever met. Why did his generation turn out so golden, and those after his, so lost, and now rotten? When Fred and his generation is gone, we will say, what did they do to set them apart? Could have been the life or death struggle of WWII, maybe the depression, or just living a simple life? Learn everything you can from them for they will soon be gone!

  2. Wow! I just hope my wife loves me as much as my dog does.

  3. 9:27--Part of the reason this generation was superior, I believe is the absence of Television, and the Internet. The biggest single reason though is the intactness of the family--having both parents raising them. Now 70% of blacks are born illegitimate. There has been a cultural shift away from traditional values--now being a married heterosexual who has faith and raises their children by the Golden Rule is abhorred. We are on the way to another Dark Ages.


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