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Sunday, September 08, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 9-4-13

Young Professional has left a new comment on your post "BREAKING NEWS: Major Police Activity On Onley Rd":

I came here to attend Salisbury and graduated in May of 2012. I earned a degree in business management and I now live here and have a full time job at a well known business. I have some very successful, hard working relatives who live here and have met so many kind-hearted people from here, yet I am constantly having to defend my decision to stay in Salisbury to live and work because of the reputation this city has. It truly pisses me off when I get on this website and see some of these COMPLETELY IGNORANT comments. It makes me second guess my decision of attempting to make this place my home.

You people are the reason that so many young professionals like myself come here to attend Salisbury and end up running away screaming for our lives and careers because we're surrounded by idiots. You wanna bitch and moan about how Salisbury is going downhill? About how it's the police's fault? This was a tragic situation that occurred behind closed doors and no amount of police activity could have prevented it. CJ Abbott is a mutual friend of mine and he died trying to save that girl's life and will be an absolute hero if she lives. Let's focus on the lives of the friends and loved ones that will forever be affected by this heinous act of violence and stupidity.

I agree, Salisbury has some shitty leadership running this town and the decisions being made at the top do not reflect the wants and needs of those at the bottom. But please, you're making yourself look horrible with the comments on here. I really wish I could look on here and see more posts about uplifting the city of Salisbury (Joe I think you do a great job), but more than half the time, it's just empty complaints from people who have nothing better to do. If the comments on this website reflect the morals of the people in this city, do I really want to live here and pay taxes that contribute to you scumbags? Nah, I'll take my knowledge and money elsewhere when the opportunity arises.

Publishers Notes: People should understand, I simply broke the news before anyone else, that's it. If you only knew the amount of comments we rejected, you'd be amazed and that's on a daily basis. 

However, people have the right to their opinion. Some we agree with and many we do not. I can assure you, another Blogger has been attempting to put up very harsh comments in order to stir things up and we have been constantly rejecting them. The shooter, (in this case) isn't the only one with serious mental problems. 

So, (forgive the pun) don't shoot the messenger. We saw record numbers yesterday and by 10:00 am today we had already surpassed yesterday's total numbers. Salisbury News is without a doubt the GO TO place whenever ANY Breaking News comes about. With that comes some pretty dumb comments. STOP blaming me for what others have to say. You do remember the Grapevine, don't you? 


  1. So what is this person saying? Let's just ignore the fact that Salisbury has gone progressively gone "downhill?"
    Higher than average unemployment, poverty, crime, foreclosure rates just to name a few of the ills of Salisbury.
    This person choose the wrong career path. They would have made a great politician-Let's just ignore and never mention what's not good and maybe it will go away or no one will notice.
    Sorry pal! That does not work! That's what the politicians did for generations in the inner cities and we all know what's going on there.
    It's good to have optimism but optimism without opened eyes and honesty about a situation is useless and never ever solves a thing.

  2. Agree 100% with this. Salisbury is an everyone knows everyone kind of place. That's fortunate until a crime is committed. When a crime is committed everyone knows someone who knows someone who was involved. As a community we need to STOP pitting against the police, the students and the residents. Work together, make this a better place. 35,000 residents in salisbury plus 8,000 students and no more than 10 cops on duty at any given time... they can't do it alone.

  3. 11:44am And please tell us what you have done to help, except bit$$!

  4. The graduate did make a mistake by staying in Salisbury. Anyone with any real ambition leaves town. It's the smart thing to do.

  5. wow...Spoiled college kid gets goverment grants at tax payers expense and complains about people frustrated about crime in this are and the college? say it aint so, We are just trying to protect fools like you and the other democrats that are continuing to run this country state city apart, So you do what the majority of the college crowd does fly fly away and do not give NOTHING back to this community, As far as the the police go i don't blame them for leaving after 2 yrs and moving on because this Mayor/councils priorities are ASS Backwards, and are continuing to run Salisbury down to the ground, but don't worry kid as Republicans are armed LEGALLY and when the whip comes down Unarmed Dummocrats will be pounding on our doors, guess what, SLAM.

  6. 9-3-13

    PACK&LEAVE NOW. Nobody sent for YOU.It frosts my ass that probably you came here for a FREE education on some government program. If you DON`T like the make-up of the EASTERN SHORE, there are NO EXIT ROADBLOCKS. GO NOW, I`m positively certain YOU ARE NOT BEING HELD PRISONER. When a foreigner such as you show up here the first thing you do is try to change the culture to suit you. Either suck it up and be an asset or hit the damn road. Either way again I`m SURE NOBODY CARES with or without YOU. Joe Albero reports verbatum what is sent to him so climb off his ass too. Bob Aswell

  7. 1202 Go back in you democrat Unarmed cave, and wait to take it in the A//.

  8. I LOVE YOU BOB. Thank you!!!

  9. great post from the graduate of S U. dont worry about the above comments they come from dumb and dumber. probably never went to high school and only way they saw inside of college is if they were moping the floors or taking out the trash

  10. Salisbury is a time bomb....tick tock.

  11. 1231 is a JT Minion, Go back into your Donut hole, Fool.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    11:44am And please tell us what you have done to help, except bit$$!

    September 4, 2013 at 12:02 PM"

    Why do you have the "it's up to everyone else" to do something attitude? What about personal and family responsibility?
    YOU are the exact reason why the country is a cesspool of crime and poverty! You look to blame everyone else and not only want but expect them to do what parents should be doing.

  13. I agree with bob's comments...

    If you don't like it, hit the road... NO one asked you to come here, or stay here...

    I agree that it burns me up having dumb @sses come here and say this crap about people and try to post blame on others for their own ignorance...

    it also pisses me off, when someone comes here or anywhere for that matter and tries to change our ways, our rights, our way of living or the like just to suit them or to make their life better...

    Just like muslims or anyone else with the mentality that you do what I want or else!!!!

    You see when I and others go to other countries for whatever reason, we follow their rules and laws and way of life but you all come here and think you own it all and try to tell us what we will or won't do and then try to protest over it...

    This is what has ruined this country, where you can't wave to someone without them getting offended and then you're in court over it...

    Or where you have some dumb @ss who is messing with you dog, teasing and taunting it and bothering it and not to mention trespassing on your property and then get bit by the dog doing its natural thing and you have to prove why your dog isn't bad and whatever and the criminal, the dumm @ss in this case should be at fault...

    Or you have some punnk @ss kid who decides to cross the highway at that moment you drive by and gets hit... but its your fault, he stepped off the sidewalk and jay-walked into traffic and because your 2 or 3 ton car can't stop within 5 feet it is your fault...

    Now you have people robbing and breaking into homes, and the person who owns the house gets jail time or sued for the robber breaking it, how the fuck does that make sense?


  14. 12:31 I commented above. Yourself and the SU graduate could only dream of stepping foot in the inside of the college I attended~ Mount Vernon College for Women in Wash DC now merged with GW.
    As far as high school~ Coincidently, I just happened to check my alma mater's website
    yesterday. Tuition is $35,000 a year so let's not even go the mopping floors and taking the trash out route and start debating intelligently~okay?

  15. "You people are the reason that so many young professionals like myself come here to attend Salisbury and end up running away screaming for our lives and careers because we're surrounded by idiots."

    Oh please! The reason these so called young professionals leave the area is because there are no jobs in their chosen fields left here. You are either being completely dishonest with this statement or are so completely out of touch with the reality of the area that it's scary you actually have a degree.

  16. Let's not forget that once again, someone in a disordered mental state was able to get his hands on a gun

  17. I agree 12:20 they are without a doubt a democrat. Only a democrat wants everyone else to do something and be responsible for everyone else when it should be parents. It's a parent's responsibility and to teach by example morals and other guiding principles that lead a child into a self sufficient law biding moral adult. Too many parents are lazy and pawn their duties off on some organization run by strangers.

  18. Queensgirl is right and I wonder if looking back friends and family didn't see some warning signs. Of course this isn't blaming them because I mean really what are the warning signs? Everyone gets ticked off at times and sometimes even really really ticked off but they get over it without violence. We can't be calling the cops everytime someone starts saying crazy stuff. I guess the ? is how do you differentiate between a real and a perceived threat. I don't think there is a way in cases like this tragedy.

  19. Haha this is great! Where do I start?

    -11:44- My comment was not directed towards the business climate nor politics in Salisbury, rather the hateful, ignorant, uninformed posts I come across on this website daily. But if you'd like me to address that, I'd be more than happy to.

    -12:03- So far, my decision to stay in Salisbury has paid off and will continue to pay off if I can stand living with you all. I have incredible opportunities for advancement in my field. Thanks though.

    -12:18- Spoiled college kid? Clever. I have had no help from the government in paying my education. My parent's tax bracket gives my family no opportunity for government assistance. And no mommy and daddy didn't pay for it all. I worked through college and am currently paying on several private loans that I took out myself to pay for my out-of-state tuition.

    -Bob Aswell- Thanks for proving my point, you hit the nail on the head!! I grew up in the south where people are polite and welcoming. I am a republican, and I am well armed. My family goes back over well over 100 years on the Eastern shore and if I mentioned their names, you've definitely heard of them-- that's why I came here for school. This area is full of incredible, loving, hard working, polite people, but for some reason there is this handful of weirdos like yourself who hate everyone who isn't like you. Why are you so mad? What about living on the Eastern Shore has been so awful for you? Quite frankly, I love this area! Some of the best hunting, fishing, and boating in the entire country! I wake up with a smile on my face every day, and it's clear that you don't. If you don't have something nice to say, "GET OUT!"... So congrats Bob, you found the caps lock, and only accentuated my point that there are just some people on the shore that are not very friendly.

    -1:27- Where did I mention I was trying to change you way of life? I was simply commenting on the nasty demeanors of some of you people on here.. and Muslims? Really? Please go read a book, please.

    Y'all are hilarious and I am done with this.

    Oh and thanks Joe for reposting my comment, this was very entertaining.

  20. Let's all look at the fact that the criminal shooter here was from STEVENSVILLE. Not "crime ridden" Salisbury. I know, they both start with "S", but sometimes you have to read ALL the letters in the word.

    1. this genuinely made me laugh. thanks!

  21. 4:09 p.m., excellent response.

    I love how people respond to your constructive criticism by saying "if you don't like it, leave! That'll show him!" completely missing the point.

  22. 1218 cant be JT..He mentioned College.LOL.

  23. 409-I left years ago, along with the rest of my siblings. I'm happy with my 6 figure salary plus bonus, while living in an area where home prices and property taxes are laughably low compared to the Eastern Shore. Having acreage, thousands of more sq feet, along with a salary that easily is double what I'd get on the Shore makes me quite satisfied. I love the hunting, fishing, and lifestyle of the shore. If I could live back home and enjoy the amenities I would.

    End of the day, you screwed up by staying in Salisbury. My brother recently looked into moving back home. He's an SU graduate, plant manager of a manufacturer, and paid in the low 6 figures before his annual bonus and stock options. He was offered an Assistant plant mananger position(which he was willing to take), until he found out he'd be paid 40K less than he did as an Assistant plant manager with his current company.

    You can claim you have incredible opportunities in front of you(with 100 years on the Shore, you're family obviously has the "good ol boy" advantage), but look around. There's a reason why quality(high earners) flees. Argue til the cows come home, I could care less. You're a fool for staying in Salisbury. I grew up there. I love my hometown. But I'd be neutering myself by staying there. You'll figure it out eventually.

  24. I left the area for the south and living each and every day since. The entire peninsula SUCKS. It will be a very cold day in hell before I return to the eastern shore of nothing.

  25. We are all dumb, violent, uneducated, poor, and isolated rednecks. Thank you for being in our midst and tolerating our Neanderthal ways. What an effort you must put forth every day. 100 years on the shore? So- your family was one of the ones (but NOT the stupid redneck kind of local resident, right?) that bought land for 25 cents an acre and sold it for $250,000 an acre? And now claim hardworking superiority over the OTHER locals? I know MANY Eastern Shore residents (I was born and raised in the D.C. area and moved here almost 30 years ago) without a 4 year degree who would make YOU seem like a cousin to Forrest Gump. They actually earned their way, without family connections or wealth. I hope you have some permanent travel plans to permanently leave this area. You have insulted thousands of concerned, hardworking, and GENEROUS people. Perhaps you could hit the road TODAY.

  26. Gee Bob, hows that GED working out for you? Not too well judging by the amount of anger you seem to have pent up.

    @1:34 PM, I went to Harvard and Yale, so what? Take your lies and go elsewhere.

    @Queenesgirl52, oh look, someone in a disordered mental state was able to to get on the internet!

    Shore Native here, Salisbury is the biggest joke around, so you all go ahead and keep thinking you're so great, the rest of us know the truth.

  27. @lmclain, ah so you're a come here, why don't you just go back to DC where you belong. Your opinion holds no merit.


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