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Sunday, September 15, 2013

13th Annual Delmarva Bike Week


  1. Please people NO biker deaths this year.

  2. Annoying. Almost ran over a poser yesterday. Be glad when they're gone.

  3. The noise is so obnoxious.

  4. Should be changed to Freak week.

  5. 11:21 - seriously?!

    If they, bikers, weren't such jerks trying to commander all travel lanes maybe they'd live another day to go back to their office jobs once they take off the leather that's been stored up for 51 weeks.

  6. Everyone wants drivers to be courteous to bikers, how about bikers being courteous to drivers. It's our road, too. Just because it's bike week does not mean bikers control the roads. Watch out for cars. Besides we're bigger than you.

  7. I wish they would all leave. I just got home from picking the kids up from Decatur and route 50 was already bad. Driving is really annoying. The noise in west o.c. Is nonstop. I'm sure Friday and saturday will be ten times worse.

  8. I'd like to say anyone on the road should be careful drivers. However, i look out for children, pets, other vehicles including motorcycles, so why just watch out for bikers??? seriously.. have you ever been to the events? most of them are hammering down drinks... ive seen it myself.. is that why they want us to watch out for them? Because they arent intelligent enough to stay off the motorcycles and off the road when they are drunk? they look for any reason to throw an event and get drunk!! sorry truth hurts sometimes!!

  9. I should look out for them some butt pulled in front of me today on a bike going down the highway .Almost ran over him. my fault ....NO... some of these people are jerks on them .they are on thier own ,thats theway i see it.

  10. Do people not realize we live in a tourist area and as such people, let's call them tourists, come here and spend money. They rent rooms, he buy gas, food and,gasp, beer. They are noisy so people don't run over them. There is no more drinking going on with them than other events of similar types. Springfest,Sunfest, car show,Best Beer,Winefest and Pork in the Park. All these keep people in this area employed, so shut up and deal with it.


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