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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Wendy Riley, Wicomico County Court Administrator

Citation Number: 000000HH42329


Violation Date: 02/27/2013 Violation Time: 12:56 AM
District Code: 02 Location Code: 03
Officer Name:JOHNSON, M
Officer ID:6164

Address:3748 GARDENDALE DR
City: EDENState:MDZip Code:21822

Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:902Para:B1Code:
Location Stopped: SB RT 13 RT 513
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 0 Related Citation Number: 0HH42328
Vehicle Tag: 948M518 State: MD Vehicle Description: 07LINC

Disposition Information
Disposition Date: 08/06/2013
Contributed To Accident: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Sentence Date: 08/06/2013
Sentence Time: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000Suspended Time: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000

Costs: Fine: 250 CourtCost: 30 CICF: 35
Suspended: Fine: 0 CourtCost: 0 CICF Cost: 0


  1. Joe, Eastern Shore people is a bunch of drunks.

  2. which judge suspended all of that? Judges are really the problem in the judicial system.

  3. Contributed To Accident: NO Personal Injury?: NO
    No biggie. She's not the 1st PBJ and she won't be the last.
    I have no problem with it. Not sure why it's worthy of a post.

  4. It's just plain old stupid to drive even after having just one drink. If I'm driving not one sip of alcohol goes into my mouth.

  5. Worthy of a post because she is Circuit Court Administrator. Was Nunzio worthy of a post?

    The Daily Times also seems to believe it's news-worthy as well!

  6. This woman got a big increase in salary this past budget session and along with that I have been told
    "her luck ran out" with her DUI. There are several pics on her facebook page of her out and about after this DUI.

  7. @ 8:18- so you're telling me that just because she got a DUI she isn't allowed to be "out & about", i forgot when you get a DUI it means you have to stop drinking.


    1. If you're on probation it does moron!

  8. A poor role model & a person who thinks she is better than everyone else. All you have to do is meet her once and you'll understand. A real snake & this fact is shared by many including her employees and co-workers. Pure arrogance.

  9. Ms. Riley is probably most concerned that they listed her weight as 195.

  10. Wendy-This is the least of your worries.

  11. If I'm driving, the alcohol never touches my lips. Cops nowadays are predatory, because we live in a police-controlled state. It's not like it was 20 years ago.

    1. But wen wen thinks she's above the law.

  12. Believe it or not, the Daily Times is hardly my criterion for newsworthy.
    I fondly remember the disappearing Cohen response letter.
    I don't remember that employment by the county and/or getting a raise at some point, required one to don a habit and shun worldly pleasures.

  13. She likes to have a good time, so what? Everybody on the Eastern Shore drinks and smokes weed.

  14. @ 8:28 yes you are supposed to quit drinking when you're on probation for a dui, idiot. You have to report to your probation officer which gives you breathalyzers and urine tests. You can be found in violation if caught drinking. Learn the system before you throw out names.

  15. Ms Riley received a raise of $10.000.00 as did others in Wicomico County

  16. Nothing worse than a female drunk.

  17. Yes a bonus for colluding.

  18. @ jb-

    she was just sentenced 2 days ago... she was never on probation prior to. she hadn't even been found guilty. THANKS.

  19. 8:28 Actually, she should have been in jail. DUI is far too prevalent here on the shore. Sweeping it under the rug is not the answer. Sit across from the moose lodge, and watch the trucks roll out at closing, driving over curbs, etc. If you're a member, it's a get out of jail free card.

    Pathetic. You may change your tune if you happen to be involved in an accident with someone under the influence.

  20. I certainly don't condone "drinking and driving" no matter who it is...but as a citizen I do expect consistency in the penalties for all. That seems to be an issue depending on who the charged person is.

  21. Corruption exists from the lower courts all the way to the White House. In 32 years in law Enforcement I have witnessed corruption in the Courts, but I have never known a person to have every penalty suspended. This should concern citizens of Wicomico county.

  22. How you people have the audacity to sit in judgment of Wendy Riley simply because of the position she holds in Wicomico County, one I might add she has earned by hard work and dedication. I am sure each of you or a family member have fallen victim to the same charge, yet you do not find yourselves publicly flogged. And shame on her co-workers for taking to the blog for an opportunity to hurt her further. This just makes you more ignorant and petty than you appear. I hope that you all feel good about yourself because you will never has as much class as Mrs. Riley. She is smart and brave and has faced this with the grace and dignity that she has always exhibited. Shame on all of you!

  23. Really, it should come as no surprise that she gets off easy. The only reason she was cited in the first place is beacause it was the Salisbury Police that pulled her. A double standard has existed for years when it comes to certain selective individuals. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Why do you think Davis Ruark finally got caught in Worcester County?

  24. She has class?
    Are you on acid?

  25. Well Ron-the time is now. Vicky-even roses smell like poopoo sometimes.

  26. What if she had killed your family member? How would you feel about her drinking and driving. I am shocked by the comments that think it's OK.

  27. "What if she had killed your family member? How would you feel about her drinking and driving. I am shocked by the comments that think it's OK."
    What if your family member dropped dead or was killed by someone texting/talking (far more prevalent than DUI)? You'd feel sooo much better about their death wouldn't ya?
    Silly - what if!

    1. Exactly 12:54. The purpose of the program is to prevent people from dying.

  28. I just read the DT's reporting....and she refused the test....wonder if she's facing the "normal" penalties with MVA?

  29. ANON 11;49 Just to let you know I nor none of my family members has ever fallen victim to a charge of DUI or DWI maybe it's the norm in your family but not ours. Ms Riley in her position needs to set an example for others. An example should be set when an employee in her position faces these charges no breaks should be given.

  30. Vicky driving and drinking is not smart or brave as you said in your post, show how much of a dumba#% you are

  31. Wendy eats a lot of breath mints after lunch.

  32. Anonymous 8:28 you need to get a life and find something to do other than sit across from the Moose at closing time. I am a Moose member and I must say from my observation the members are well behaved, friendly, and very much in control of their actions. Should someone go beyond their limit the Moose takes care of their own and even offers assistant.Sounds like you are one of those ex members that did not go by the rules and have been told not to come back. Get some sleep.

  33. ANON 1:20 She has set an example for others. If pulled over by police for suspicion of drunk driving, NEVER TAKE THE BREATHALYZER TEST IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU WILL FAIL IT!

    I guess being the court administrator teaches her the do's and don'ts if you know you are guilty.

  34. I dont think any of her fines were suspended. The way I read it is 250.00 fine 0.00 suspended. To me that means she pays it all.

  35. No one in my family has ever been charged with DWI/DUI. The attitude that it's on par with a speeding ticket is ridiculous.

  36. Wendy had this coming a looooong time ago. Wish I had a dollar for every time she leaves the Moose driving drunk. Her husbands the same. Everyone knows this. Sucks she has often said she "knows someone", and looks like she did.

    1. I hear the average drunk drives at least 80 times before receiving their first arrest.

  37. Anonymous said...
    This woman got a big increase in salary this past budget session and along with that I have been told
    "her luck ran out" with her DUI. There are several pics on her facebook page of her out and about after this DUI.

    August 8, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    I think her and Judge Davis had something going on. She got a lot of pay raises under him.

  38. Little known fact - Ms. Riley frequently vacations in the Carolinas with Mike Lewis' mother in law in the same house Davis Ruark went to after his embarrassment.

  39. I guess tomorrow you will find someone else to b#@% about! Because Lord knows you have said enough already!!! I have never seen such a pack of peoples so ready to condemn in my life. The last perfect person I know died on the cross - so give it a rest already...

    1. We will 8:43 but right now we're having fun at the lushes' expense. Please tell me more about that person you "know" who died on a cross. It sounds newsworthy.

  40. Depending on driving record, first offense DWI is usually handled this way. I am surprised she didnt get some probation. I did on my 1st, 2 years, but I had been arrested before for it but not found guilty. If she gets a 2nd one and gets off without jail in Wicomico county I will be upset.

  41. Everyone on here are a bunch of dumba$$es. I cant believe everyone is sitting on here wasting their pathetic lives anonymously judging Mrs. Riley on solely her faults. She received raises because she is a hard working individual, and I doubt anybody can do her job the way she has done it and as well as she has done it. Its seriously pathetic how many people crawl out from their closets to criticize what others do when you each have skeletons in your closets that you wouldn't want in the media. Mind your own business and focus on your pathetic existences. No one needs or wants your comments. No one truly cares and after this day it wont matter. So why say anything?? Did she make a mistake yes, was she penalized for it? yes. Was there preferential treatment? no!! a different judge who did not know Mrs. Riley was brought in to preside, so get your facts straight. As far as setting an example she did. She did all that was required of her before her hearing, and if you knew that then maybe you would understand why her sentence was what it was. And as far as the person insinuating that she is an alcoholic with the breath mints comment, grow up dumba$$ 99% of people who eat lunch eat breath mints so their breath wont stink. You all are ridiculous and have proven that the people here have way too much time on their hands.

  42. I saw a billboard the other day of a person blowing into a breathalyzer. The quote on the sign said,"You just blew $10,000".

    I guess now this billboard is a lie, and I can go ahead and drink and drive?

    Oh, wait, I don't work for the Judge.

  43. Okay all you ignorant people move on to something else! And next time get the whole story!

  44. I feel sorry for her as anyone else wouldn't have received so much of a word on the blogs. However, I do undstand why people dislike her she is arrogant, smug and a power hungry b&T#H. But she is no different then the 50 or so other DWI/DUI on the lower shore each month. The compliant should be that she should be setting a professional image and no double standard even though her and Beckstead are friends.

  45. That is why it is called a blog. It is so ignorant people can thrown stones from their glass houses without using their names.

  46. Wendy is worth twice what she is paid

    all of you judgemental morons have no idea what our courts deal with everyday

    you're comments are those if pathetic ignorant wannabees

  47. She gets away with it cause she thinks shes a big wig at court house..Shame on that Judge....She was drunk folks, she caused an accident..suppose she killed or severely hurt someone...Do the Crime do the TIME......maybe we should let all drunks off easy....Wicomico county is becoming the Sh-- hole of the world...clean it up folks starting with people like this..

  48. I dont drink ..But I want her Judge, just in case I decide to tie one on...

  49. This is a disgrace, she should have gotten more than a slap on the wrist. She has been caught driving drunk for YEARS and because she knew the cop that stopped her, they escorted her home safely instead and did nothing about it. This policeman was the only one brave enough to do the right thing! She absolutely continued to drink after her DUI and NEVER hid it, because she knew she would get away with it. Shame on our courts and judges! She is a nasty, trashy drunk (and human being)that flaunts herself in bars all over Salisbury, and is definitely NOT classy!! Really?? She works hard?? Yea, she works hard at being a TYRANT to those 'beneath her' that she thinks she is better than. Oh and that job was handed to her by her friend who held the job before her, she didn't earn it.

  50. she parties and socializes personally with the judges so it explains why she got away with it

  51. AND HERES TO YOU MRS. Reily..The people at work hate you more then you can know..whoa whoa...Hanging and flaunting bars...sounds like a leader for our court house...You should have been home taking care of Mr. REILY..AND PLEASE!!!THAT IS ANYTHING BUT Classy..Ive seen her at the moose..OMG!For Shame to you The judge..

  52. Have you people ever heard of living in a "glass house"? Everyone makes mistakes and I'd bet your closet isn't sparkling as there aren't any perfect ones.
    Yes, this person made a mistake (and yes, a big one) but cutting this person to the core like this is just plain hurtful. To be honest it is really petty on your part, and to be more honest SICK! Perhaps those with such judgemental standards need a hard look in the mirror. Not such a pretty picture staring back is it?
    You may want to get a hobby or even better a job of cleaning up your self first.

  53. Wendy is on vacation, however must be watching this brew, Lord knows the only positive comments are from her. EVERYONE knows the truth. Thank God she's not at work, otherwise it would be one nasty day. Back to the Moose Wendy, with your boyfriend, or should we say "girlfriend".

  54. The level of corruption with the Rileys is unbelievable. When Wendy's drunk & bragging about who she is or thinks she is, she shares a lot of private/confidential information, offers legal advice, refers friends to her lawyer friends for legal help & asks her lawyer friends for favors in exchange for favors. The Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mark Bowen, even officiated her daughter's shot gun wedding. They stiffed a lot of local companies when her husband's business went bankrupt only to have them open the exact same business a few months later under a new name at a new location but with the same inventory.

  55. 7:35 AM Exactly! And their ties to Hebron Savings makes one say ummmm. Connect the dots, corruption is an understatement. There is only one thing that gets looser than her mouth when she drinks.

  56. Check her facebook page SINCE her DWI. Enough said!

  57. This is very unfair, my friend got his first (& only) DUI a few years ago in Wico Cty and lost his license, had over $800 in fines & was required to put a breathalyzer thing attached to his ignition as a stipulation of getting his license back and had supervised probation and mandatory alcohol classes. Like this woman there was no accident when he was stopped. I'm all for being accountable for driving after drinking, but if this was her first & that was his first why were the penalties & punishments so different?. I guess because she had a high powered lawyer friend that owed her a favor & my friend had a public defender. Something is not right & I'd hope the state would look into this.

  58. 5:49 Life is unfair. It's all about who you know and who you B***. Wendy has both, sorry for your friend, wrong sex and wrong job.

  59. Wow, the bi*** is back after her vacation, and is she PISSED. I heard her say if she or Bill ever saw Joe Albero, he would get punched right in the face! How funny!

  60. 11:13 I heard her at lunch say she "never had any doubt". Now that's a class act, maybe next time, and there will be, she will really get whacked. In the meantime, guess her 195lbs will prevail.

  61. She's been saying for years how "all the cops hate Joe Albero and they watch him & follow him looking for anything they can to try to bust him so he can get what's coming to him!" Can we say stalking??? She's crazy!!! Work is going to be hell for a while but unfortunately nothing will be done about it because all of the people above her she's made sure to kiss their butts enough to make sure she can never get fired! She should've been fired & still should be. She drives to Annapolis frequently on the taxpayer's dime & I'm sure having a drink or two or more with her meals during those trips. You do remember she's the same county employee that spent $400 for those court house trash cans, right??!

  62. 195 lbs?! that's not accurate. try adding another 20-30 pounds. She even lies about that.

  63. 195lb? WTH, no worse than the stated 5'10", only if she wears the stupid screw me pumps she's know for! This is a clear case of a classless government employee making the few good ones look bad.

  64. Yes Sir, this is the Wendy we have known for years! What's the big surprise? Other than a "Vicki", and Wendy herself, everyone else here seems to know the truth. Lets hope she has learned a lesson.

  65. She will never "learn her lesson" because she thinks she is above the law & holier than thou. She'll still be the same arrogant power hungry tyrant B**** she's always been. She needs to be fired for the many inappropriate behaviors she engages in. Our tax dollars are paying her salary & this should not be tolerated on any level. PERIOD!!

  66. It baffles me that so many people are taking to a blog nearly 3 weeks after it's original post to bash Mrs. Riley. I notice how nobody has used their name, yet they are quick to post under "anonymous". From an outsiders perspective looking in, it seems there are nothing but jealous, insecure cowards who are chiming in with their useless comments hiding behind a computer. I wonder if that makes you all feel happy & good about yourselves to finally feel like you can tell her how you really feel. Clearly, you don't possess the bravery in which one needs to confront anyone face to face. According to online documentation, it seems Mrs. Riley did in fact get treated as anyone else has and she did was she was asked in order to be on the path of regaining her license. It also appears from my understanding that a Judge she had no connections to was brought in to sentence her.

    It's unfortunate that those who work in the system are held to a higher standard than anyone else. She is only human and she is not perfect. I'm certain she has only learned from her mistakes.

    That being said, before you take to a local blog to spew slurs at anyone, be sure your hands are clean. For those of you that feel it is necessary to bring her family into this, grow up, grow a pair & then confront Mrs. Riley face to face.

    The only thing most of you possess that are commenting is something I like to call keyboard courage.


  67. dawnstephens...although it should really read Wendy Riley, you're obviously still interested to also be looking at this three weeks later to see what people are saying. She didn't follow protocol like every other person is required to nor was she treated equally, you need to get your facts straight Dawn, I mean Wendy! She was still partying and drinking heavily (with pics to prove it on her and her friends facebook pages) most people after a DUI are humbled and don't flaunt their public intoxication but then again, she wasn't worried because she "never had any doubt" she'd get away with it, still is & will continue to over and over again maybe until she finally kills someone. You might feel differently if it's one of your loved ones she kills drunk driving after a night out drinking & partying at the Moose or a bar or the Wicomico Yacht Club which still happens every week.

  68. Dawn, are you Wendy, or her girlfriend? What a joke, game over.


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