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Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The federal government drew the ire of Congress for sucking up ammunition supplies so fast that citizens and even police forces have been unable to meet their own needs.

Lawmakers looked into legislation to force the feds to back off, but apparently nothing has been done.

The latest agency to buy massive amounts of ammunition is the Transportation Security Administration, which doesn’t even arm most of its agents.

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  1. I thought we did not have any moneyAugust 21, 2013 at 6:31 PM

    Your tax dollars at work

  2. That's okay, so am I. Hand loads with a kick!

  3. This is what happens when you put liberals in charge people. They do not respect the bill of rights

  4. Get ready for the militarist police state.

    They're getting training and equipment just like the military....and some equipment the military is not allowed to use - due to international rules of war.

    Think about it - they'll be able to inflict more damage on their fellow citizens than the soldiers are allowed to inflict on our enemies!

  5. NO poster 10:02pm this is what you get when you sit back and do nothing to stop it...

    That goes for all of you who come here posting comments about nothing offering nothing... You are the blame not the govt... They told you what they were gonna do and are doing...

  6. 8:10

    What do we do to stop it? What are you doing?

  7. They are stocking up for the day they inform the public that the whole country is a giant Detroit, bankrupt!

  8. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 22, 2013 at 5:20 PM

    8:10 I hear you loud and clear. We have told to "our elected officials" many times. That road is closed. We the People have been played, deceived, lied to, manipulated and now they are trying to racially divide us and turn us against each other. We cannot let that happen. We have to look past the skin color and differences we might have but to focus on things that unite us, and that is Taxation Without Representation. And it starts with turning the MSM TV Off and start educating ourselves by using the internet, there are so many stories that have been hidden from the public. Keep your ears and eyes open and use logical thinking. These huge amounts of ammo has to be stored somehow somewhere. And remember the goal of any tyrannical government is to Control the Masses, but they cannot and will not control the many and many Bands of Brothers. Lock and Load my brothers, and keep ready.


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