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Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Red Light District Seems To Be Accepted Just Fine In West Ocean City

You know, the "Family Resort Town".


  1. Quit being idiots Seriously!!!

    There is nothing wrong with it, And it is accepted...

    I told you once and I will say it again for you dumb @sses who seem not to understand STILL!!!...

    Farting O'faily wants to be president or a senator, but president first... Rick Pollitt wants to be where Farting O'faily is... Then The Mayor Jim Gayerton wants to be where rick pollitt is or higher...

    IN ORDER TO DO SO, THEY HAVE TO BE AND ACT LIKE THE PRESIDENTS ADMINISTRATION CURRENTLY IS... Which is why you see all the taxes and corruption in the Guv'nahs office... Same goes for the city of SBY, the mayor is acting like the guvnah and the obama admin by pushing jobs out of the city...

    Which is why cracker barrel has yet to come here, because the city has a sign height limit but the funny part is there are taller signs in SBY than what cracker barrel will have...

    They just don't want jobs here... HMMM I wonder why... HMMM could it be the govt wants you dependent on them so they can tell you what to do or you don't eat? hmmm I think so...

    You all still amazme me on the stupiditey you all bring to the table and the lackign of knowledge and the lack of wanting the truth and to learn the truth...

    You make me sick... And I wish for nothing better than for you all to be wiped out or taken to an island and let you all fend for yourself and see how you will make it when there is no one around to help you or should I say, PAY YOUR WAY OR GIVE YOU WHAT IS TAKEN FROM ME, ILLEGALLY...

  2. I see this no different than the Christian book store on rt 13, each is offensive to someone but let the public decide who stays in business, if a business wants to open in the ghetto I am all for it, already have the other adult store right down the street.

    There is a need for this in Salisbury and they are fulfilling it, would I rather see it a little more high end like Adam & Eve store,yes, but atleast they are trying.

    For those of us who are married and like to spice things up this is great,usually have to do mail order for this but if the prices are good and the product is good then they will have my business.

    Someone needs to post some pictures of Ireton coming out of one of these stores up in Delaware, Yea Jim, You KNOW you have been in one before.

  3. On your next shopping trip with the kids in the car, go ahead, pull up and park. Take the kids in with you since they will want to know what mom and dad are so interested in.
    Be honest with yourself.
    Matter of fact is it not interesting that you don't use your name in your post/comment.

  4. Good point 10:17. Of course someone will be along to call you names for stating your opinion.

  5. 10:37 I guess Bush'man is your real name?

    I just want to know if Jim Ireton would be all over television talking trash if this was any other store that put up a sign without a permit? They would probably get notices in the mail that they didn't properly apply for their permit. Why, because it is an adult store, is he smearing their name all over Salisbury? Isn't he for equality?

  6. 10:37, but it's ok for Ocean City to have bar names like Brass Balls, Bearded Clam, Big Peckers and the likes? What's the difference? Ocean City hasn't been a 'family resort' since they opened that stupid under 21 night club right off of the boardwalk by the inlet. You can't go to the boardwalk anymore past 10:30 or 11 at night without worrying about being robbed, shot or stabbed. The resort has gone to crap and it has nothing to do with the Red Light District. I would imagine the casino has brought in more crime and unruly people than that store has. Just my opinion of course.

  7. I would much rather explain to my children what a Christian bookstore is rather than explaining what a red light district is. But then again, I have morales.

  8. I don't think it's good for a town to have some place advertising it's a red light district.

    But will Ireton raise hell if a Hooters comes to town? Would he want his daughter getting her breasts checked out there? Oh, right. He has no children. But...

    Wait for it...

    Here come the hypocrite.

  9. "It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5 Wm. Shakespeare

  10. I'll tone this one down Joe. Perhaps when you visit these stores you should allow yourself to imagine your daughter being a star in the movies they sell, or a victim of abuse at the hands of someone who actual thinks all women like to be violated by objects such as the ones sold in these stores? Not as sexy then is it?

  11. 10:17 Only a male would talk like this. News flash....your wife doesn't want this crap. Any husband that relies on Adam and Eve and the Red Light District is sad.

  12. It's only a big deal if you allow it to be. There are plenty of other sex shops up & down Route 13 and Route 50. Who cares? Me personally, I have never been to one- but it doesn't piss me off because it's there. The store doesn't define our community... then again- what does define Salisbury anymore?

    Nonetheless- if this business isn't successful, it will be out of here in no time. If you don't like it, don't go to it. Just like if you don't like religious shops, don't go to them. That's the beauty of living in America, we have the right to choose.


  13. @ 12:20- funny you say that, Hooters was suppose to come to the mall (I believe where that men's tux place is) but one of the owners/co-owners got sick & passed unexpectedly and it couldn't be financed anymore.

  14. if it was a store for gays ireton would not say a word.

  15. 12:48 lol your insane. Maybe your wife doesn't. I like how you know what other people want.

  16. I am so thankful that we got rid of that smutty hotel just doors away. It really brought the neighborhood down.

  17. I saw today the road sign has been covered. Talk about outrageous hypocrisy. Why allow the business to purchase a license? I hope the owner hires a lawyer.

  18. 1:34, I was wondering the same thing. Why allow them to purchase the license and then give them crap about being open?

  19. I cringe every time I have to ride by this hell hole with my children in the car.

  20. Yes, but this isn't exactly in downtown Berlin.

  21. 10:17 Who the world would be offended by a Christian book store?

  22. I offended by anyone who does not agree with freedom of choice...Jimbo s made a choice i disagree with... but i dont deny him the freedom i expect...let the store alone who really cares ..the offened ? So what... others may like it... thats freedom ....his hissy fit over the sign shows us his priorities..and true colors ...the NANNY STATE

  23. I've said it before and I'll say it again this is a money laundering operation I think. The place never has any cars in the lot, as in customers. Wouldn't surprise me if they weren't into the cigarette thing like the Ramadams were whose stores also were mostly void of customers.

  24. Sorry people shouldn't have to be subjected to that and having a bunch of dummies dressed like whores in the front window on the main road through town doesn't give a good image of the city which is also severely tarnished....... Nobody's families driving by with children in the car should have to see it...... By all means sell your sex toys and whore clothes inside but make it where the name and the contents are not visible anywhere outside the business....... I hope they keep taunting the city and that $500 a day is adding up.... After a while their business license will be pulled

  25. I don't have a problem with the store. If you are old enough to go in no problem. now if you don't like the store then don't go in. Big deal the displays in the windows. just go to the mall or Ocean City you see a lot of skin.

  26. Here's all you have to do: People that are upset about this place - organize. Go down to the place two at a time. Take a picture of everyone that walks in. Put the pictures on a specialized Facebook site. I ASSURE you that within three weeks nobody will be going into the place.
    This tact worked with an unwanted massage parlor in a town I lived in. It's very effective. It works.

  27. Remember ten years ago when every mayor of memory, kelly, powell, mathias, and meehan said that gambling would destroy the family image of OC? Now they can't jump into bed fast enough to get the evil casino cash! They also now endorse hip hop concerts,the dew tour, biker week, and last time i checked, don't they still have the best body thing every sunday? isn't that about sex?
    So what the problem here, take you kids to disney (a better value).

  28. To me, any new business in Salisbury, is a whole lot better than all of the empty business buildings around town. Salisbury is getting to look like Detroit will all the empty buildings!

  29. My wife loves it! Speak for Yourself!!

  30. 3:46 Keep telling yourself that.

  31. How are the mannequins in the store window any different than the ones in the Victoria's Secret at the mall?

    I am a married woman with children in support of a woman-owned business that promotes a healthy sexual lifestyle. Jeez people, it's sex. Not rape.


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