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Friday, August 02, 2013

The Next Ron Paul?

For decades, Congressman Ron Paul was the nation’s foremost advocate for the libertarian ideologies of less government and greater individual liberty. From his position in the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul argued for smaller government and less intervention in all aspects of our lives – developing a small, but intense, following.
Paul’s followers have shown the power of grassroots involvement – rocking the Republican Party establishment from its dogmatic slumber. Congressman Paul became the benchmark for ideological conviction in the U.S. Congress, and the question since his retirement has been, “Who will be the next Ron Paul?”

There are very few contenders, but one is standout U.S. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan).



  1. There will never be another Ron Paul. He was a once in a life time politician. One that couldn't be bought or sold. The one person in that gang of thieves called Congress that was truthful, consistent and true to his word. America blew it when he wasn't elected president.

  2. Ron Paul. Spoke the truth and led by his heart.

  3. Ron Paul also had one trait that was a true value, common sense and thinking from outside the beltway. Outside of the beltway? Wasn't that what Obama said he was going to do? The only thing outside the beltway with Obama is his lavish vacations.

    Bush spent most of his vacations with family on his ranch. Family, don't see much of the Obama family except for his wife and kids, are all his other relatives in jail or still illegal aliens?


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