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Thursday, August 08, 2013

The Cops Can Take Away Your Cash, Car, Or House — Even If You're Never Convicted Of A Crime

The New Yorker's Sarah Stillman has a heartbreaking story out on an appalling police tacticcivil forfeiture, which lets local police departments make tons of money from taking supposed criminals' property.
Civil forfeiture is largely a product of the war on drugs. In 1984, Congress passed an omnibus crime bill that gave local police departments a cut of the assets seized during drug raids and other investigations.



  1. So that was what Orwell was referring to when he stated that an omnibus crime bill would take affect in 1984.Did he also realize that the bulk of us don't keep cash and valuables at home for obvious reasons? I would love to see the cops try to find something worth a crap in my house.

  2. This has been going on for years. The example in the New Yorker magazine is just particularly appalling. I figured all of the law and order types favored it.

  3. And this is precisely the reason for keeping drugs illegal. And to think most people thought the gubment actually cared about their safety.


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