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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tenn. Judge Changes Infant's Name From 'Messiah'

NEWPORT, Tenn. (AP) -- A judge in Tennessee changed a 7-month-old boy's name to Martin from Messiah, saying the religious name was earned by one person and "that one person is Jesus Christ."

Child Support Magistrate Lu Ann Ballew ordered the name change last week, according to WBIR-TV. The boy's parents were in court because they could not agree on the child's last name, but when the judge heard the boy's first name, she ordered it changed, too.

"It could put him at odds with a lot of people and at this point he has had no choice in what his name is," Ballew said.

It was the first time she ordered a first name change, the judge said.



  1. Ludicrous. Who is this judge to determine who is and isn't "the messiah". This is a complete abuse of power that the government should not be involved in whatsoever. Not to mention a total violation of the establishment clause.

    This "Judge" should be removed from the bench, AND disbarred.

    1. Agree! Next the judge will tell the Perez family they can't name their boy Jesus.


  3. Surprised his name is not Shaquan.

  4. who cares what they call it....the kid is doomed from the start..parents can't even agree on a name...

  5. GOOD! (wish I could print this BIGGER!) 11:43 and who might you be who doesn't feel this in absolutely what the judge needed to do? They can tell you what to eat, what light bulbs, how big a soda...& on & on. TIME IS UP ENOUGH & this judge has spoken Good, I say again. you are what's wrong with this society!

  6. This is an utter disgrace. That judge should be removed permanently, and the childs name restored.


  7. well if the judge had any sense after dealing with the parents and seeing the future life this child will have do to lack of proper parenting he would have named the kid loser!

  8. "The boy's parents were in court because they could not agree on the child's last name,..."

    The judge should have removed the child from the home and given him a chance at life.

  9. And there are 'sheeple' who actually still believe we live in a free country.

  10. Name the dang kid muhammad or allah for pete's sake. The parents are not too bright to even try to name him messiah. Imagine the teasing from other kids. THe fights he would be involved with.

    The judge did this family a favor for correcting their lack of common sense and ridiculous labeling of a child.

    And some morons think he should be allowed to be named a savior. They are probably the same ones who worship obammy.

    Might as well name him statistic. Because that's what he will become when he gets older. Death statistic, crime statistic, gang statistic, or name your own.

    No name will change his future, which will be too short I am sure.

  11. The judge is thinking ahead.Imagine going to grade school,high school,and then prison with a name like "Messiah".

  12. I watched the interview last night on TV. I have to admit, I was absolutely floored that a Judge, (probably very Liberal) could actually step in and change the name.

    In the interview the reporter asked an excellent question. How do you feel about those parents who name their children Jesus. She hesitated and then replied, that isn't relative to this case.

    While many of us may not LIKE someone naming their child Messiah, they have every right to do so.

  13. I should add. I know of two local cases where the parents named their child, senta bacon and another one shithead. Its true. No one stepped in and forced those parents to change the names.

  14. I think they said it was because Messiah is a title not a name. Would they allow someone to be named President, Governor, Prime Minster or even Prophet?

  15. OR...could we please do something for poor little North West? Imagine how much grief that name would get you. Kim and Konya have a right to mark their child for life just as the next idiot does.


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