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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Teens May Have Murdered WWII Vet Because He Tried To Defend Himself

Delbert Belton, the 88-year-old World War II veteran who was savagely beaten to death last Wednesday by two teenagers, may have been murdered because he tried to defend himself and fight back while he was being robbed.

Spokane police have indicated that Belton enraged the teens when he tried to fend them off, which prompted them to beat him with "big, heavy flashlights" to the point where Belton was bleeding from every part of his head.

"Our information is that the individual fought back and that may have made this, you know, a worse situation," Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub said on Monday.



  1. Get 4 horses and Quarter draw them.

  2. Try "Teens May Have Murdered WWII Vet Because He Was White"

  3. The teens murdered this elderly man because they are ghetto trash and sadly not unlike a huge number of other black teens.
    They are this way because the black community has NO leadership-NONE! It's disgusting what they elect into public offices and the decline of their race and their neighborhoods prove it.
    Nothing will change until the black themselves find it in their hearts to have at least some morals and higher standards.
    When your culture approves of those who can hardly speak English, dresses like they just got out of prison and listens to some mumbo jumbo you call music then that culture is going to act like monsters and be looked down upon. And that's not racism. It's looking rightfully down your nose at those who are beneath you in their values.

  4. Good thing the "leaders" are watching out for the honest, law abiding, taxpaying, military veterans who have (along with millions of other citizens) been told that 1) don't resist being beaten or robbed, and 2) don't even THINK about carrying a handgun -- we don't want any unemployed, thuggish, illiterate dropouts with several criminal convictions by the time they are just 16, getting hurt as they prey on honest people. THESE are the people YOU elected, across the nation. You must be SO proud of the way they are doing their job. How do I know? Because you keep REELECTING them, even as they happily whittle every right you have and throw you to the wolves. While living like the kings and princes of the modern world.

  5. Its the victims fault

  6. THey are trying to program you to not resist when you are under attack by another party. I wonder how that could possibly benefit the establishment?

  7. Gasp, all the more reason... (SO RIDICULOUS! WHY MAKE SUCH A STATEMENT?) They just don't want to call it a hate crime...what it is. Why profile? (You may ask) This is why!

  8. Too bad he wasn't armed so he could put a cap in their A$$

  9. One father "stands by" his son..."He's no killer!" Scuse me Sir, You're wrong! You've raised a killer. Let the punishment fit the crime. They may as well have killed a baby. Talk about defenseless!


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