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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Study: Welfare Pays More Than Minimum Wage In Most States

Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The finds come 17 years after the Clinton administration, with bipartisan support from Congress, passed landmark welfare reform legislation that was supposed to move Americans away from entitlements and into the workforce.

However, “welfare benefits continue to outpace the income that most recipients can expect to earn from an entry-level job,” the study authors said. “And the balance between welfare and work may actually have grown worse in recent years.”



  1. This is new? Hell no. I owned a restaurant business in 1971, and if my employees knew how to work the system, they could either work a solid 40-hour week for me OR go get government money and do no work at all and take home about 10% less than if they worked for me all week. Was I upset? Of course. Did I blame them? Hell no. If I could've relaxed all week - and made 10% less - I would've done it myself!
    The system is broken....and it has been broken since the 60's.

  2. Assistance - not Subsistence!

  3. Welfare ruined this country.


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