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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Study: Same Number Of Americans Out Of Work As Immigrant Workers Reform Bill Would Bring

A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies found that 57.5 million working-age Americans are either unemployed or currently out of the labor market, a figure that matches what some estimate to be the number of immigrant workers that would be brought into the country by the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.

“The number of working-age (16 to 65) native-born Americans who are not working — unemployed or out of the labor market — stood at 57.5 million in the second quarter of 2013, a figure that has barely budged in the last three years,” CIS’s Steven Camarotawrote. “Partly on the grounds that there are not enough workers in the United States, the Gang of Eight Immigration bill (S.744) that recently passed the Senate would double future legal immigration."

"Yet the more than 57 million working-age natives not working is 17 million larger than in the second quarter of 2000," Camarota explained. "The large increases in future legal immigration in S.744 seem out touch with the realities of the U.S. labor market.”



  1. Might work , but we ALREADY have more people on the govt teat that there are workers to support them. We need more people WORKING!!

  2. High tech companies are backing this big time because they need foreign workers who have the education. Not enough qualified here, maybe we should swap some lazy rednecks for them.

  3. Soooo, this would essentially double the true unemployed....

    aaaaand displace how many currently legal residents jobs?

    Another one that is sooooo wrong!

  4. There isn't a fixed number of jobs, nor are workers simply interchangeable parts that can be switched around to fill vacancies. More immigration has been proven to grow the economy, thus increasing jobs. Different people have different skills and different work ethics. If there are jobs that immigrants can fill, then let them in. It's better for our entire economy if we do.

  5. The goal of the Obama regime is to completely collapse our Economy and legalising millions of illegals will accomplish it--as well as ensuring permanent Democrat control.

  6. 99% of the people on unemployment want to stay on unemployment. They don't want to have to be responsible, work hard to earn their money. That direct deposit for sitting on your a$$ is so much better.


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