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Monday, August 05, 2013

Study: Many Teens Are Waiting Longer To Get Their License

Brand new research finds many teens are waiting longer to get their driver’s licenses. AAA Mid-Atlantic released that information, which shows the economy may play a major role.

There was once a time that teenagers old enough and able to drive wanted to drive. That’s certainly the case for Mike Hopper Jr. from New Jersey.

“I’m gonna get it as soon as I could, when I turn 16,” he said.


  1. If they have to decide between drugs or driving it's going to be drugs.

    1. What a closed minded idiotic mentality! All of my children waited until they were almost 17 to get their license. 2 of the three were honor student and one was JROTC. None of them do drugs. It is the economy. Being a divorced parent and having no support from their father it is difficult to come up with 300 plus dollars per child to put them through driving school. Then there is the cost of insurance. keep in mind I do make 50,000 plus per year and it was still a struggle to make the necessary bills to live much less the cost of drivers ed and insurance. (20 yr old single female with a 2007 vehicle financed and clean driving record=over $100.00 per month for insurance)

      Please get a grip and don't stereotype all teenagers based on a few bad ones!

      When I was in school drivers education was part of our curriculum. Over the years and budget cut after budget cut it is no longer an option for students.

    2. Oh silly parent. It's the drugs!

    3. Maybe for your family...what an idiot you truly are. Maybe you should stop smoking whatever it is you are on.

  2. It's because the auto insurance is way too expensive even if the child is an honor student! Too much of a burden if they cannot find a part time job to help pay the insurance so it is better to wait until they are older. Cars are also no longer a priority like they used to be in this gaming generation where they can chat with friends online while playing video games.

  3. You people do know once a person is over 18 they are counted as adults and a lot more does drugs than. I think people sometimes forget adult is at 18 not 30 years old.


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