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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Stop Patronizing Black People

Sometimes I wonder when black people will reject the patronizing insults of white progressives and their black handmaidens. After CNN’s Piers Morgan’s interview with the key witness in the George Zimmerman trial, he said: “Rachel Jeantel is not uneducated. She’s a smart cookie.” That’s a remarkable conclusion. Here’s a 19-year-old young lady, still in high school, who cannot read cursive and appears to be barely literate. Morgan may have meant Jeantel is smart — for a black person.

Progressives treat blacks as victims in need of kid glove treatment and special favors, such as racial quotas and preferences. This approach has been tried in education for decades and has revealed itself a failure. I say it’s time we explore other approaches. One approach is suggested by sports. Blacks excel — perhaps dominate is a better word — in sports such as basketball, football and boxing to such an extent that blacks are 80 percent of professional basketball players, are 66 percent of professional football players and, for decades, have dominated most professional boxing categories.



  1. 1200...Is that the best you can do..Sports You Two sound uneducated like your friend Piers Morgans.

  2. I believe in calling a spade a spade...... All of the PC crap has to stop and people need to go back to being more thick skinned..... It is absolutely appalling to see others go out of their way just for the mere illusion that they don't want to offend someone .....please to all of you PC types get a life

  3. She's an idiot. Uneducated, and unwilling to get there. She should starve to death as a result.

  4. Blacks are more enslaved now than they have ever been. Most are Completely dependent on the Government--and will never be able to achieve anything more than a poverty level existence. No American dream of achieving greatness through hard work--instead they have been programmed to believe "gettin somthin for nuthin" is the way to go. Blacks are soon to be completely displaced by latinos. Congratulations !

  5. 8:48 I beg to differ.
    Who is actually enslaved?
    You and me!
    People that work to earn a living are paying for these primitive, uneducated black masses to breathe!
    The socialists and race baiters in office are stealing from working class people to fund the black community!


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