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Friday, August 02, 2013

Speed Camera Update

We wrote to the OAG about the MPIA request for calibration records which Salisbury snubbed off (previously referenced on this blog). We asked for the OAG's opinion on whether state law says the city is the legal 'custodian' of such records which state law says are to be 'kept on file'. We CC'd the mayor of Salisbury on that communication.

Later the same day, I received an email from an individual who was also seeking calibration documents from Salisbury. His request for records had just been denied. The city has apparently adopted as a matter of policy that it will not produce calibration records or daily setup logs in response to a FOIA request, simply telling the requesters they must take the matter up with the contractor.

Gansler made a big proposal just a few days ago about how he was making 'government transparency' a part of his campaign. I am left wondering what the OAG told the Mayor which they did not tell us?


  1. What happens if you don't pay the speed camera ticket? Does your license get suspended just like it would if a cop had given you a ticket and you didn't pay it and/or didn't show up to court? I haven't gotten any...luckily. Just curious.

  2. Sounds a little fishy to me that they will not provide the requested information.

  3. As our government slides into dictatorship and socialism , this is just the tip of the ice-berg.
    You have a gay mayor , a black racist president about 20 million illegals , what else could happen? Just wait my friends!!

  4. The vendor does not issue the ticket, and they cannot prosecute you for ignoring it. The city, town or county is the enabling agency and clearly is responsible to maintain the records. In addition, it's their officer who views and approves issuing the ticket.

    Make them produce the info or get all the tickets voided.

    Calling all lawyers!

  5. pay the stupid fine then deduct it from your taxes. see how they like that.

  6. Or start to realize that they make the laws for you and me (the serfs). They consider themselves ABOVE the law and exempt from any accountability. Just pay the fine and shut up. And keep voting! By all means, keep voting. And keep cheering the results...

  7. Isn't speeding against the law? Just because an advancement in technology is made that enables the automated enforcement of speeding, doesn't change the fact that speeding is already illegal. The threshold is 12 mph. Let us say that the calibration is off by 1 mph or even 2....which is unlikely, the vehicle was still exceeding the speed limit by 10 mph or even 14 mph, depending on the margin of error. Myself, I am in favor of user fees. Since I don't speed, why should my tax money go to babysit those that do?

  8. I have actually seen someone get a ticket from one of the cameras for doing 5mph over. Even the ticket says nothing issued until 12mph over. She took it to court and won.

    To the person who says dont pay the ticket they cant enforce it. Oh yes they can. They will not allow you to renew the tags on the vehicle without paying for the fine.


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