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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Smigiel Will Seek Pipkin’s Seat

Del. Mike Smigiel said he has put his name in for the nomination to replace Sen. E.J. Pipkin, who will resign effective August 12. Republican Central Committees from the four Upper Shore Counties will submit a name or names to the governor.

Pipkin announced Monday he would resign to earn a master’s degree in sports management at Southern Methodist University in Texas.

Currently in his third term in Annapolis, Smigiel is now the longest serving delegate in the District 36 among his colleagues, Del. Jay Jacobs, R-Kent, and Del. Stephen Hershey, R- Queen Anne’s.



  1. Shoo him in. He's the best!

  2. I agree. Mike is an honorable man and truly cares about Maryland.

  3. He may be nice, but he looks hungry

  4. 10:28PM, you're ignorant.

  5. fat jokes are the last tolerated discrimination in our country. Sad but true.


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