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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sewer Main Collapse In Salisbury


  1. An $80 Million dollar sewer system taking a crap.

  2. Uhm, no. The sewer system is old. You've confused the WWTP and pipes in the ground...

  3. Did I see the City of Salisbury workers paving College Ave?They must have every worker in the town there.Probably no construction companies want to do business with the city anymore.

  4. 2:54 PM it's all tied together goof ball. It was a general comment anyway. Now go back to bed!

  5. Thanks for the "heads up" City of Salisbury, Appreciate you keeping us informed.

  6. Meanwhile, back on other roads that are moving, heaving, and sinking,
    our dearest, sweetest Mayeur just mills them smooth again, ignoring the underlying problem that is causing the moving and sinking.
    But that's okay, Jimmy boy! We love surprises!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:54 PM it's all tied together goof ball. It was a general comment anyway. Now go back to bed!

    August 21, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    Yeah but the 80 million dollar part didn't break. That's what happens when you add something new to something old.

    Don't be so defensive junior. Everyone screws up now and then. Maybe you need to go to bed and take a nap. You're just a tad grouchy and inaccurate.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Thanks for the "heads up" City of Salisbury, Appreciate you keeping us informed.

    August 21, 2013 at 4:43 PM

    Salisbury didn't keep you informed. Joe did!


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